(Sorry again. Had to get my computer fixed. But I guess we can
start right now.) Electrickit carefully stepped out of the nursery,
trying not to wake his mother and siblings. His blinked up at the
rising sun before making his way over to the entrance of the camp.
(Electrickit's kind of the adventurous one. Lol! XD)
Username: foodslover
Rank: kit
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): She-cat
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name):
Shadow kit, Shadow paw, Shadowheart
If kit, who do you want as your mother?: snowneck ( I always seem
to like being Ghost_rayquaza's sister)
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?:N/A
Looks: (when she is older)
Personality: She is shy around others but is not afraid to stand up
for herself.Shade is also kind of shady
Password: Secret
Username: Rissan
Rank: warrior
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): she-cat
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name):
If kit, who do you want as your mother?: n/a
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?: n/a
Crush?: Hawkclaw (if it's okay)
Mate?: n/a
Kits?: n/a (*might add later)
Looks: A fluffy white she-cat with a delicate pink nose and clear
blue eyes. Tail is a bit bushier than most cats'.
Personality: Quiet and usually easygoing, but can be sassy and
satirical at times.
Password: wacky arm flailing inflatable tube man
Username : Joshualee207
Rank: kit
Tom ( boy) or she cat (girl) Tom
Cats name ( even if apprentice or kit put your warrior name : Fuzzy
if kit who do you want as your mother : will you choose for me
if apprentice who do you want as your mentor : none
crush : none
mate : none
kits : maybe later when im a warrior
looks : a gold brown pelt with green eyes
personality : ever going happy and joyful lots of energy
password : its a secret
Username: Claus Rank: Kit Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): She-cat Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior
name): Hollowgaze If kit, who do you want as your mother?: Darkcloud, if
that's okay? If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?: -not
apprentice yet- Crush?: None yet .u. Mate?: None yet .u. Kits?: Nope .u. Looks:Here you go ouo Personality: Silent, shy, left out
(Yay! XD) Electrickit froze when he heard Creamkit leave the
nursery. Hoping she hadn't spotted him yet, Electrickit dove for
the entrance, easily staying out of the brambles way because of his
small body.
Mysterypaw glanced at Creamkit, then began doing... whatever he had
been doing in the first place. He dug up a part of his nest, then
laid it down, then picked up the bottom piece with some swipes, and
set it in the empty spot.
When Mysterypaw finished, which wasn't too long, he walked outside
and yawned. Another lazy day of training... Whee... He
Skyfeather walked out of the warriors den carefully, not bothering
to do much, and awaited a command from the leader. She wanted to go
patrolling today, and she waited nervously to know. "Please
Starclan let my luck be here..." She whispered softy before looking
back at the den, carefully eyeing to other warriors.
Blossomstar crouched on the large rock that marked where her nest
was, watching Electrickit, her whiskers quivering in amusement
before she snaked down the rock and followed the curious kit.
Duststorm lazily padded from the warriors den soon after
Skyfeather. His opened his mouth in a huge yawn before sitting
underneath the large rock, waiting for the other cats to gather so
he could give the morning assignments.
Electrickit burst out from the entrance and stared at the trees.
"Wow...! It's beautiful," he breathed and padded cautiously
forward, looking all around.
Blossomstar crept out behind the kit and sat down. "It sure is,"
she said and looked at the tree tops, watching the birds fly
between them and listening to their chirps. Blossomstar looked back
at the surprised kit and smiled.
Skyfeather glanced at Duststorm for a second and nodded
respectfully. She turned again, glancing around the camp, before
settling her eyes on the large rock once more.
(Please talk with () when not RPing. Also, Shadowpaw is taken.
She's my kittypet so I RP as her.) Duststorm nodded back at
Skyfeather and looked around at the other cats as they started to
gather. "Iceshadow, Mysterypaw, Snowflake, and Dawnfur. You can be
on the hunting patrol."