Forum Thread
BlossomClan (A Warriors RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → BlossomClan (A Warriors RP)Leader

Blossomstar - Tortoiseshell and white
she-cat with green eyes. Apprentice: Honeypaw - Light brown she-cat
with amber eyes.
Medicine Cat

Icebreath - Pure white she-cat with
blue eyes. Apprentice: Poppypaw - Delicate tortoiseshell she-cat
with white paws and green eyes.

Raccoontail - She-cat with an orange
tabby and white head with large brown spots on her back. Also has
tan, brown, black, and gray bands on her legs and has a
raccoon-like striped tail with gold eyes. (*cough, cough* My late
kittypet *cough, cough*)
Tigerstripe - Gray tabby tom with black stripes and gold eyes. (*cough, cough* My late kittypet *cough, cough*)
Snowflake - White tom with gray spots and blue eyes. Apprentice: Blackpaw - Black she-cat with gold eyes.
Duskscar - Black tom with blue eyes and has many scars.
Dawnfur - Gray she-cat with blue eyes.
Minnowfur - Sleek blue-gray she-cat with green eyes. Apprentice: Shadowpaw - Black-and-white she-cat with green eyes and a very bushy tail. (*cough, cough* My new kittypet *cough, cough*)
Flamespot - Cream tom with ginger spots and a ginger striped tail.
Iceshadow - White she-cat with black stripes. Apprentice: Mysterypaw - A green eyed calico cat, with is blind in the left eye with a bobbed tail.
Hawkclaw - Brown tom with black spots on his back and black paws with blue eyes. Apprentice: Cloudpaw - Gray-white tom with green eyes.
Skyfeather - A white tabby with gray stripes, and a cropped ear.
Slinkclaw - Dark gray tom with black fur that goes from his head to his back. Also has green eyes.
Snowberry - A fluffy white she-cat with a delicate pink nose and clear blue eyes. Tail is a bit bushier than most cats.
Tigerstripe - Gray tabby tom with black stripes and gold eyes. (*cough, cough* My late kittypet *cough, cough*)
Snowflake - White tom with gray spots and blue eyes. Apprentice: Blackpaw - Black she-cat with gold eyes.
Duskscar - Black tom with blue eyes and has many scars.
Dawnfur - Gray she-cat with blue eyes.
Minnowfur - Sleek blue-gray she-cat with green eyes. Apprentice: Shadowpaw - Black-and-white she-cat with green eyes and a very bushy tail. (*cough, cough* My new kittypet *cough, cough*)
Flamespot - Cream tom with ginger spots and a ginger striped tail.
Iceshadow - White she-cat with black stripes. Apprentice: Mysterypaw - A green eyed calico cat, with is blind in the left eye with a bobbed tail.
Hawkclaw - Brown tom with black spots on his back and black paws with blue eyes. Apprentice: Cloudpaw - Gray-white tom with green eyes.
Skyfeather - A white tabby with gray stripes, and a cropped ear.
Slinkclaw - Dark gray tom with black fur that goes from his head to his back. Also has green eyes.
Snowberry - A fluffy white she-cat with a delicate pink nose and clear blue eyes. Tail is a bit bushier than most cats.
Queens and Kits

Darkcloud - Gray she-cat with a black
tail, ears, paws, and face. Also has bright blue eyes. (Mate:
Snowneck - White she-cat with gray stripes and blue eyes. (Mate: Duskscar Kits: Icekit, Electrickit, Frigidkit, Creamkit, Shadowkit)
Snowneck - White she-cat with gray stripes and blue eyes. (Mate: Duskscar Kits: Icekit, Electrickit, Frigidkit, Creamkit, Shadowkit)

(You may use a cat already listed or
you may make your own. If you use one already listed, you can
choose whether if you want to make a form or not, if you make your
own cat, you must make out a form.)
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl):
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name):
If kit, who do you want as your mother?:
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?:
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl):
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name):
If kit, who do you want as your mother?:
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?:

1. Respect others, no cussing.
2. Be nice, don't tease!
3. If you do not want to be part of this RP anymore, PM me and I will delete your character.
4. All Poke heroes rules apply.
5. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! XD
Password: Miki (My new cat's name. :3)
Rank: Warrior
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): Tom
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name): Slinkclaw
If kit, who do you want as your mother?: -
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?: -
Crush?: None
Mate?: Nope
Kits?: Nopity nope
Looks: Click. However, he has green eyes.
Personality: He's quiet and tends to keep to himself. He prefers staying in the shadown and observing before engaging in any situation. He's quite reserved and doesn't trust others easily.
Password: -
Rank: Apprentice
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): She-Cat
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name): Mysterysoul
If kit, who do you want as your mother?: NOPE
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?: Iceshadow
Crush?: No
Mate?: Nope
Kits?: How about no
Looks: A green eyed calico cat, with is blind in the left eye with a bobbed tail.
Personality: Can I put vary? I can't stick to certain personalities.
Password: Warararaaiorrrs :3
Username: Above
Rank: Warrior (May make her kits if no one else does. She could become a queen.)
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): She-cat
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name): Skyfeather
If kit, who do you want as your mother?: I'm a warrior
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?: I'm a warrior
Crush?: Duststorm
Mate?: No
Kits?: Will be added
Looks: A white tabby with grey stripes, and a cropped ear.
Personality: Varies.
Password: Above
Rank: Kit
Tom (boy) or She-cat (girl): She-cat
Cat's name (even if apprentice or kit, put your Warrior name): CreamKit
If kit, who do you want as your mother?: SnowNeck (If its okay)
If apprentice, who do you want as your mentor?: N/A
Crush?: N/A
Mate?: N/A
Kits?: I'm a kit... -.-
Looks: A White Kit with Black Stripes,Ears,Paws,NeckFluff,And a Black Tipped Tail. Has Dark Blue Eyes and Wears A Blue and White scarf that found.
Personality: Shy But Loyal
Password: Accepted :p
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)