Draco got back to the base and his motorcycle drove off. Draco did
some paper work and then returned to his house. Draco changed his
clothes and took a shower
Ramio suddenly turned to Raina and put her hands on her shoulders
"You know we won't be able to hide it forever Raina you know
"I-I know! But when we can't hide it any longer is when we show
them. Hopefully it won't be soon." Raina exclaimed as she took
Ramio's hands off her shoulders "I don't want anything to happen."
Name: Amy Yuki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: (With blue eyes)
Weapon: Night's Edge
History: Amy lived with her parents and they were very over
protective. On her 16th birthday, Amy couldn't take it anymore and
went outside in her garden to explore, when she turned round, she
watched her house and parents get crushed by a dragon. She doesn't
speak of her history yes with someone close, she joined the Knights
ever since.
Crush: -
BF/GF: -
Other: Huge animal lover.
Amy was in her house, she needed to have a bite to eat, she was
literally starving, she hadn't ate for days and her stomach was
killing her for days. She opened one of her cupboards and peered
inside. The was some fruit that needed using up, she grabbed it all
and got a chopping board and a knife.