In the mystical land of Valkyrus a world of futuristic technology
and cities has started. Dragons and other mythical creatures were
roaming the land and humanity was powerful. However as we all know,
greater cities mean greater danger. More and More dangerous groups
of bandits and thieves quickly started spreading in the city of
Ventara, the world's largest and strongest city at the time. The
King Sir Jeremy Ventara and Queen Michelle Ventara established an
organization known as "The Knights of Valkyrus." This Organization
holds some of the most powerful knights at the time. Their purpose?
Their purpose was to vanquish all evil that came in their way, no
matter if it's bandits, or even dragons, they would fight on. And
the leader of them, is of course Jeremy and Michelle Vantara's son,
Draco Ventara. "Now that you are here and have given you all this
information. We can't let you leave alive. So will you fight? Or
Run?" Asked Draco.
Rules (General)
All PH Rules apply
Every time you break one of the general rules you will be given 1
strike. If you get 3 Strikes then you get banned for a week. Do
this 3 times and you will be Perma Banned
No God Modding/Power-playing
Nothing Overpowered
You are not allowed to kill fellow knights without the other user's
If you would like to kill a character off, then please PalPad me
1st that way I can update the Board of Knight's
Please try not to change the story of the RP
Romance is allowed but DO NOT turn this into a Romance RP
No descriptive Romance or Gore
More to Come...
Age must be between 14-30
Maximum of 3 Characters, I will raise the limit IF enough people
ask for it
Max of 2 Weapons
You may not have Crushes/Relationships with your own character
If you would like to be part of someone's history (i.e You could
have your character be my character's secret sister) then please
PalPad them or PM them 1st
More to Come...
Name: Draco Ventara
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Weapon: The Gladius
Armor: The Red Akiza
History: Draco is the adopted some of King Jeremy Ventara and Queen
Michelle Ventara, however he is adopted. The Only People to know
that Draco is adopted are the King and Queen themselves. They Plan
on telling Draco eventually but since the world is in Chaos right
now they know it will be a bad idea to tell Draco now.
Crush: N/A
Other: Draco eats a lot due to the vigorous amounts of training he
does everyday and night.
Weapon: Arrow and Bow
Armor: silver armor that resembles a wolf like creatue.
History: does not want to tell anyone about it. It would cause
serious consequences if they did.
Crush: none
Other: Ramio's sis
Weapon: dual blade swords
Armor: copper armor that resembles a dragon.
History: does not want to tell anyone about it. It would cause
serious consequences.
Other: sis is Raina
"Ugh, I'm bored. Can't there be anything to do?" Raina complained
as Ramio looked at her confused. "What was that?" He asked as he
took out one of his buds.
"I said I'm bored. Nothing important." Raina repeated, annoyed.
"Great, you jinxed it. Happy now?" Ramio grumbled to Raina as his
earbuds turned into swords "You also need to learn some close
combat fighting too Raina, as the bandits are close, not fa—
" I know! You don't need to say! I'm trying to do that!!! I guess
I'll have to go to martial arts again.." Raina exclaimed as her
gloves turned steel.
Draco jumped out of an alleyway and landed on top of a bandit.
Draco took his cloak off, revealing his face and his armor on
except he had not helmet on. Draco grabbed his sword and stabbed a
few bandits
Raina shot a quick smile to Draco and quickly punched two bandits
in the gut as Ramio stabbed them and the two repeated the process
besides Raina kicked the bandits in the gut.
Draco put his sword at the last bandits neck "Name your business
here you piece of trash" Draco said
"Well we were um meeting up so we could find more bandits and
attack the castle. I think a few of us already killed some guards"
The bandit quickly said.
"Are you sure that that's all of them?" Raina questioned Draco as
they caught up "I mean, there must have been a sage leading them
unless they're dumb enough to go without one."
Draco took his helmet off and moved his hair back into place "They
probably did go into their with a leader. However the castle's
bridge is made out of solid light so it can be turned on and off.
They probably forgot thus the bridge vanished and they fell into
the Alligator pit" Draco said
Draco yawned "I'm gonna go back to the base" Draco pulled out some
keys and pressed a button on it. Draco's motorcycle drove up beside
him. Draco put his helmet back on and got on it. Draco drove back
to the base