"You mean Info-chan? It's her job, she's in the club." Yandere-chan
shrugged off and walked towards the infirmary. After distractig
Sizuka and getting the supplies she needed, she slipped a note into
Osana's locker. It was something about meeting senpai in the gym's
storage room after school.
"So... That's her name..." He took out his notepad and wrote down
the name. "Good nuff." He jumped back into the tree. "Now to wait
for Miss Yandere..."
Clover got out of her seat and went out of class "Finally out of
there and I think I missed the club, hopefully they didn't play to
many games without me" clover sighed and went down the stares
She dug her nails into her palm until it bled. Realizing so, she
ignored it and walked out of the school. Noticing a familiar person
in a cherry blossom tree, her mind wandered and resulted her
(Sorry for being so inactive, I started getting distracted)
Senpai walked into school and immediately started searching for his
next class. He started to worry if he was going to be late.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Buri woke up behind the gym and realized she fell asleep and missed
the entire school day so she went home hoping to avoid being seen
by any teachers "ill say i was sick, they'll never suspect a
thing!" she muttered under her breath. "i wonder if theres any
hotties in my class... hehehe"
"I'm fine. I'd better go, I have to apologize to Info-chan for not
meeting with her earlier." Yandere-chan said and ran off towards
the red-headed girl that was walking towards her house.
"Uh, okay, see ya later." He stood there, a blank stare on his
face. "Hmm, she is a really cute girl..." He blushed, and shook his
head, "Gah, I better not think about her for now." He jumped back
into his tree, relaxed.
Apple was looking around and noticed someone jumping into a tree
but simply ignored it and didn't bother going to check it as she
was heading off to go inside
"Yandere wait!" Hirano called, easily catching up to the girl. "Hm?
What is it now?" Yandere-chan chirped, spinning around to face him.
"I heard that it was going to rain soon. We live on the same street
so how about we walk home together?" He asked. "I never knew,
thanks!" She replied forgetting about Info-chan again.
Wesley looked up at the sky, "Hmm, it' about to rain, should I take
shelter in that abandoned room? Seems like a good idea." He jumped
out of the tree and returned to the room he hid in when he followed
Info-chan. He flipped on the light, to an empty room, with only a
chair, table and bed. "My lucky day."
He locked the door, and dropped his bag on the ground. "Okay, time
to decorate this room." He slid the bed to the corner of the room,
and the chair and table to another corner. "There, now I need a
couch, TV, and... Hmm, what else?"