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[A][C] Mari's Improvement Challenge [ONGOING!]
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A][C] Mari's Improvement Challenge [ONGOING!]what is allowed in that theme XD
like...aliens or something?
Aliens... Well everything that's not on earth is an alien. But please don't draw typical aliens. Moon creatures should be a bit more creative. :D
you see, it's hard for me to understand things out of context
i'm not talking necessairy ''out-of-the-box''
but just things i'm unfamiliar with and such
i have no idea what to draw
i could draw a dragon again that live son the moon, but that's too typical for me ^^'
so, i'm kind of out of ideas
becaus eof the atmosphere ^^'
alongside the fact that, taking our type of plants, there's no water on the moon
i'm all out of ideas....
i might just draw the moon
and say that there's an invisible moon creature
''imagination'' XD
which i apparently lack TTwTT
but it's SOMETHING
ah well....
the moondirt eater
because that's totally a thing or something =3=
I'm not sure how to call these creatures, but I thought of a story for them (so they can link to the Moon xD).
They look like deers, but their antlers are glowing white/bluish. The Moon is populated by these animals. When we look at the moon and see it shine, we actually look at the shine of these animal's antlers. The female creatures have a flower instead of antlers, what somehow (how they do that is still a mystery) helps them to substitute water and food. They also have the ability to hide and be invisible to the human eyes, and that's the reason no one has actually seen one of them.
(I hope it's not too stupid, this is what happens when I am in a hurry, tired and somewhat inspired xD)
I really hope I drew what I had too ^^'
Here is a little description of the creature if you're interested in reading it xD

"The humans call them Moon Foxes
cuz' of the resemblance for the Earth fox. The human legend tells
that long long ago a couple of foxes (a male and a female) was
experimentally sent to the moon to see how they'll behave...but
something happened and they evolved into this creatures and made a
community in the Moon's mantle. This story is not true.
They are one of the inhabitants of the Moon. A highly intelligent specie, that made tunnels in the mantle and made it their home. They are extremely friendly and welcomes any other creatures into their homes. When they go out to the Moon's surface they wear special costumes because of the low atmosphere.
Colors: Mainly any color but there are 11 main colors. The rarest colors are the black and white. Their eyes are like some galaxies."
They are one of the inhabitants of the Moon. A highly intelligent specie, that made tunnels in the mantle and made it their home. They are extremely friendly and welcomes any other creatures into their homes. When they go out to the Moon's surface they wear special costumes because of the low atmosphere.
Colors: Mainly any color but there are 11 main colors. The rarest colors are the black and white. Their eyes are like some galaxies."
i could only get a quick sketch done for tonight TTwTT
i had to catch up on social levels
i don't see people enough
here you go
flat colour again
like, 0 shading