Rose noticed the other two dogs in the room and snarled louder
"stay away from nima and no one gets hurt" (pffffft nima is a liger
and liger=cat)
Nima quivered and pressed herself harder against Rose
(There wolves) "Well you better stay away from clover and I will
stay away from whoever nima is" Link growled and put clover over
his back
"Yeah stay away from me or my big brother will kill you MUHAHAHA"
She howled and link put his paw up to her mouth "Clover I wouldn't
kill it, I would hurt it, very badly, and I was talking about you
clover" He barked.
Rose continued snarling, Nima crawled out from under her and
bounded over to Link and clover and started sniffing them "NIMA GET
BACK HERE!!!" rose howled and nima turned around, doing it to
quickly she fell over, her deformed leg at an odd angle on the
Link looked at Nima "Is this cat dangerous" Link said and saw that
Nima had a deformed leg and it was in a odd angle "Ouch that must
hurt but I better not touch it or that dog might come after me"
link whispered to himself and backed away
"Ha you think that dangerous you should see daddy, he will rip your
face of..." she barked but got interrupted by link "Clover be nice,
and maybe dad could do that but I bet hes dead also is mom and our
whole pack because of the bomb" Link growled at clover "DREAM
KIILLER" Clover barked.
Rose glared at diana and whacked clover with her tail as she turned
to grab Nima, she grabbed her and sat in the corner and started
grooming Nima's fur
Link glared at Rose "You better stay away from clover or I will do
what my dad dose to other pack and you wouldn't want to know what
he dose" Link growled