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The Airore Region

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Airore Region
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 19:50 (9 Years ago)
(Welcome my fellow role players. If you would like to join our game, please check out the sign up thread here. Based on the votes of our two current players, we will be using first person.)

It looks like it will be a beautiful day in Airore, at least as far as the weather is concerned. Not a single cloud can be spotted over the grassy fields that surround the Pokemon Lab. Several flying types stretch their wings in the clear morning air, singing their welcome to the day.

The lab itself appears to be a bustle of activity. A sign on the sliding glass doors gives hint to the reason why. "Pokemon Adoption Day" is painted in bright green letters. Hopeful trainers trudge along the gravel path, their faces alight with the promise of making a new friend. A small line has already formed just inside the tiled lobby as a frantic intern does his best to distribute the proper paper work while a dark furred Purrloin keeps lazy watch from the counter. Another lab assistant escorts a pair of boys deeper into the lab, informing them "You'll get to meet the pokemon one on one, then make a decision." High pitched squeaks, threatening growls, and various pokemon speeches mingle with the chatter of prospective trainers already filling the plastic seats of the waiting room. Some are excited. Other nervous. Today is the kind of day that can be life changing.

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 20:33 (9 Years ago)
I couldn't believe it! I would be getting a Pokémon! Who would I be paired with? Perhaps a gentle and caring Ralts? A playful Eevee? A loyal Vulix? All so very sweet and wonderful! I really didn't care so long as the two of us got along and became friends! Waiting in line was torturous! But I could do it. I held the beautifully carved necklace my father gave me and sent a silent prayer to my tribes gods. I was nervous, but excited! And it looked like it was almost my turn! I'd almost made it to the front of the line! Now, to just wait for the intern to call, "Next?" a few more times. But try as I might, that did nothing to calm the butterflies in my belly or the continuous racing of my heart. In an attempt to pass the time, I thought of the names I'd come up with for the Pokémon who would be my new friend, ally and companion.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 21:10 (9 Years ago)
I watched the long line of people waiting eagerly to receive their Pokemon. Soon I would be one of them. I could feel their emotions swirling around me, and I delighted in them. Basking in the pleasant emotion was wonderful, though some people were not nearly as excited as others. Hiking my backpack a bit higher I stepped into line. Near the front I spotted a pretty Milotc, who was practically bouncing with anticipation. She kept fiddling with a small wooden object strung around her neck. I paid her little mind. What kind of strange and wonderful Pokemon would I be partnered with? Living in the secluded mountains hadn't given me much time for interaction with Them, so my knowledge was limited. Sure I had studied about some in school, and I knew Gardevoirian culture up and down, but beyond that I was clueless. Oh well. I'm sure I can handle whatever they give me.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 23:16 (9 Years ago)

The line continued to move forward, until Serafina was at the front of the line. The intern looked up and opened his mouth to give her a greeting. His words were cut off by a howl of rage. The doors to the lab burst open as a Mankey scrambled through, hotly pursued by a furious Houndour. The little monkey dodged between trainer legs, while the fire-type merely bowled people over in her pursuit. At last the Mankey sought refuge on the counter. He danced on top of the pile of trainer forms, waving a bone shaped toy tauntingly at his foe. The Houndour paced back and forth for a moment, then braced herself and took a deep breath. "No! Don't-" the intern cried, but the well placed Ember attack shot passed him, singeing his hair and sending the precious paperwork up in smoke.

The two pokemon tore through the open door and outside while the poor intern burst into frustrated tears. "There, there, don't fret." Came a soothing voice. A frizzy haired woman in a lab coat walked to the counter, her hands in her pockets. "The registration stuff isn't all that important anyway. Why don't I take over, and you go take a quick break?" The woman adjusted her glasses and turned to address the trainers.
"Sorry about that. Hopefully that will be a lesson to you all that pokemon can sometimes be a bit... unpredictable. I'm Professor Aspen. Thank you for being part of our adoption program. Have a little patience and we will get you all sorted quickly. You, you and you-" she said, pointing to three different trainers, "head through that door and take your second left. The gentleman there will assist you." She continued to give instructions, directing various trainers to various spots in the lab. At last she pointed to Serafina and Evander. "And you two, I'm all out of assistants, so why don't you follow me and we will find you a pokemon?" She turned and headed through a side door. "Please, tell me a bit about yourselves. Why do you think you are qualified to have a pokemon partner?"

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 23:58 (9 Years ago)
Qualified? There were qualifications other than age to be a trainer? My palms began to sweat slightly, so I put them in my pockets. I tried to calm myself. She just wanted to make sure that we weren't going to abuse the Pokemon. I felt her emotions flow as a peaceful river. She was very relaxed and at ease with life in general. I tapped into those emotions, letting them flow through me. Her emotions were mine. As a Gardevoir pokemorph sensing and feeling others emotions was one of the few abilities I had gained from my heritage. I pulled my now dry hands from my pockets, speaking up before the Milotc. "I've lived for my whole life in the nearby mountain range with my family." I winced slightly, hoping they wouldn't find my *accent to strange. "A few weeks back they thought I should get off the mountain and go see the world, so they sent me here. I'm hoping to find a good companion for my journey." I smiled broadly. "As for qualifications, I'm not quite sure what mean by that. If I do get a Pokemon here I plan on treating it like my own child, so you needn't worry about that ma'am."

*(His accent is similar to an Irish one)
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 08:51 (9 Years ago)
What made me qualified to look after a Pokémon? Oh! That wasn't a hard question! I was just about to answer when the Gardevoir answered. His accent...it was beautiful! It reminded me of the cliffs on the west side of our island. Of the hills and wind whistling through them. It was so nice to hear him say he was going to treat his Pokémon like a child! Then they both looked at me. Smiling, I started to state my case. "Well, to be honest, I hope you find me worthy to look after one of your Pokémon. I have helped nurse many sick Pokémon back home and feel I can heal just about any injury a Pokémon might get. But I don't plan to have any Pokémon I am responsible for get hurt like that. In my tribe, Pokémon are an honor and a blessing. We take care of and feed all of the wild Pokémon who wonder into our huts and tents. Each is wild and deserves to be respected. We don't keep them as pets. My father has a Pokémon companion and he is another warrior. He is no less then those in the tribe. He just has different needs. So if I were to have the privilege to be entrusted to care for a Pokémon, I would treat them no different then I do my best friends. Because I hope to be friends and not a master lording over a Pokémon. I am merely a friend, an ally to support and care for whatever Pokémon I am entrusted with. We would help each other grow in the years to come."

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 18:02 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen smiled at the two of them as she unlocked another door. "I'm glad to hear both of you have strong family ties. That will be a boon for you on your journey. If times ever get difficult, remember your roots and I bet you can pull through. Ah, here we are."

The door opened to reveal a small play room. A large, brightly colored jungle-gym dominated the center of the room while several young pokemon gamboled around the plastic. A hyper-active eevee spun in circles, chasing his tail while a ralts swung her feet to and fro from her perch above him, giggling at his antics. A piplup stood at the very top of the toy, blowing bubbles that glided down to the male ralts and red-skinned cyndaquil who eagerly popped each transparent orb. As the humans entered, a little aron began to order his friends about with a stern voice and forceful look of his red eyes, trying unsuccessfully to round them up to meet the humans. The only pokemon to listen was a female eevee who strutted toward the door with model grace, her head and tail poised elegantly behind her. In the corner, almost unnoticed, a dweeble shyly rubbed her claws together, peering around with her head half hidden in her shell.

Professor Aspen gestured toward the pokemon. "Go ahead, introduce yourselves, get to know them. When you think you've found a friend let me know. If none of these are quite right, I have one other room I can take you to."

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago)
I was over joyed to see them! Oh! I wanted to just sit here and play with them all. Moving forward, I laughed as the hyper active Eevee dashed towards me and jumped into my arms. "Hello, little one. You are adorable! But I think you might be a little much for me. Can you sit?" I asked. He cocked his head and wagged his tail. Smiling, I scratched his ears and kissed his forehead. Then I set him back down. The little female Ralts caught my eye as well. She was sweet and very bubbly. "Hello, little sweet pea," I greeted her and tickled her chin. She smiled but there was that forever bond. I gave her a hug then moved on. The little Dweeble had caught my eye. I moved towards her, slowly and calmly so as not to scare her. When I was about three feet away, I sat down. "Hi, baby cakes. I am Serafina. I was hoping to get to know you better. Would you like to come here? I have something you might like. All of the wild Dweebles on my island love these," I told her, looking through the bag at my side. Finding the small strip of seaweed, I held it out to her. Slowly, she came out of her shell and came towards me. Her tiny claw reached forward, taking the offered treat. Her chocolate brown eyes widened as she took a bite and she scuttled forward. She nudged me, asking for more treats as she moved into my lap. Smiling, I held her, nuzzling her.
I had found it! That spark my father had talked about when he told me of how he and Barron, his Pokémon, had met. She was so sweet and wonderful! Now, I needed to name her. "Hmmm....how about...Octavia?" She looked up at me and shook her head. I laughed, "Yeah, that was a stretch. Hmmm....how about....Eona?" She mulled it over then nodded. Smiling, I held her in my hands, standing, then turned to see if the boy I had come in with was ready.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 23:56 (9 Years ago)
I watched the Milotc looked through the Pokemon. After she had passed the Ralts, I noticed that the pair of them were staring at me. I chuckled. They had probably never seen a pokemorph before, especially not one of there own kind. I walked over to the female. She looked me up and down, unsure what to make of me. I smiled at her. At that, she hopped down from her perch, scooted past me, and hid behind the male. I was a bit disappointed, but took it as a sign that they weren't the right ones. Almost immediately the little Aron ran over and began to scold them, presumably for running away from me. I knelt down next to him. "Hey now, there's no need for that. She was just scared. Nothing wrong with that. Don't be so mean to them." The Aron stared up at me, his big red eyes watering. I quickly scooped him up, heavy as he was, and snuggled him to my chest. "Aww, don't cry. I'm sorry for treating you like that. Just because you're metal doesn't mean you don't have feelings. Please forgive me." He stared up at me with a look of worship, nuzzling his cheek against my neck. "I'm going to pick you, and I'm going to call you... Stark! Is that ok with you?" He squirmed in my arms, so I put him down. I laughed as he stood at my side, his head proudly raised. He wanted to come with me, but he was to proud to be carried. I turned to Aspen. "What now?"
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 04:13 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen looked on as the two pokemorphs chose their companions. She pulled a few berries from the depths of her pockets and tossed them out to the remaining critters and gestured for Evander and Serafina to follow her back to the lobby. "Well, usually we have some paper work for you to sign, tell us where you're going and how we can contact you. But we'll find a way to get in touch." She paused to pull out two canvas bags from a closet and pass them to the new trainers.

"Obviously, I'm in the business of researching pokemon. Rumors have reached my ears of a new pokemon sighting. A pair of pokemon, actually. There isn't much information, but the few stories I've heard might indicate that these two fit into the legendary category. So if you happen to find out anything more about Proteus or Antilus, I'd appreciate you letting me know." The Professor escorted the two to the door.

"One more word of advice. Some of my staff have reported shady figures lurking around the edge of lab lands. You might want to stick together for a while, just to be safe." With one last smile she turned around and disappeared back into the lab.

Congratulations! You recieve the following Pokemon:

#557- Dwebble, Female, Lvl- 5
Moves: Furry Cutter, Rock Blast

#304- Aron (shiny), Male, Lvl- 5
Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mud Slap

You each also get a starter pack with the following:
Pokeball x10
Potion x 2
Burn Heal
Parlyz Heal

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 05:23 (9 Years ago)
"WAIT!!" a violet haired boy exclaimed while rushing into the lab. he stood there panting for a moment dropping his bag to the floor. He greatly resembled a Gengar with those bright red eyes. "Im not late am i professor??" He asked worriedly has his tail drooped a little in despair.
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 05:40 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen turned around, startled. She thought all of the adoption candidates had been taken care of. She gave Neil a once over with a critical eye before beckoning him forward. "Not at all my young friend. It's never too late to make a friend. Tell me a little about yourself. Why do you want a pokemon?"

She led him to a small room, similar to the first. This one looked to be more of an office, being used today as overflow for the large variety of pokemon adoptions. As Professor Aspen opened the door, a female shinx looked up guiltily from the plush desk chair she had been shredding with her claws. She hopped to the floor and began to groom a paw, trying to look nonchalant. The male zubat fluttered down from the corner, circling Neil's head with interest. A flicker in the corner revealed a shuppet hiding behind a large potted plant, chuckling to himself as a bright skinned totodile opened the desk drawers, searching for the ghost type.

Professor Aspen heaved a sigh at the shinx, then stepped aside to let Neil get closer to the pokemon. "Make sure you give this choice some serious thought. A pokemon companion is for life."

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 05:49 (9 Years ago)
Neil looked around at all of the small Pokemon with joy. "It sucks i cant take them all because i really would.." he chuckled. Alas the one i was really hoping for isn't here..." the red eyed boy sighed in disappointment not seeing the Gastly he had been dreaming of having. "Although the Shuppet has an attitude like mine, The Zubat is adorable, and the Shinx seems so sassy i dont know who to choose!" he exclaimed out of frustration because he is so terrible at making choices
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)
"Hmm, I do have... one other option." Professor Aspen said tentatively. "I don't usually let new trainers meet him. He can be, brutal." She walked to one of the cupboards lining the walls and removed a pokeball. She pressed the release button, and a moment later a gastly was floating in the center of the room. A wicked gleam glinted in his eye as he promptly turned to lick the totodile as she scampered by. The water type shrieked in dismay, rubbing her tiny hands all over her face and stumbling backward as her shuppet friend rushed to her side. The gastly chuckled darkly.

Professor Aspen frowned at him. "I would love for him to get out and see the world. It might tame him. But this little fellow has all the makings of a bully. It will take a unique trainer to help him, someone with authority but also patience and understanding." She chewed her lip thoughtfully as the ghost type began to chase the totodile and shuppet around the room, not entirely playfully. "I don't know anything about you though my dear. Do you think you can handle him?"

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 06:06 (9 Years ago)
His eyes lit up with glee. He watched the little ghost pokemon float around happily. "Hes perfect" Neil whispered to Professor Aspen out of sheer joy. "I'll take good care of him! I promise!" he stammered and begged for her acceptance. He went as far as kneeling down on his knees wanting her to allow him to adopt the Gastly
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 06:15 (9 Years ago)
The pokemon professor continued to hesitate. Part of her worried that she would regret this. The other part of her hoped the two misfits could make each other happy. "Very well, he's yours. But please be careful. There are people out in the world who would misuse pokemon, even against their own trainers. I'd hate for you to fall prey to one of them. Talk to the intern on your way out and he'll get you your starter kit."

Congratulations! You recieve the following Pokemon:

#092- Gastly, Male, Lvl- 5
Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, Spite

You each also get a starter pack with the following:
Pokeball x10
Potion x 2
Burn Heal
Parlyz Heal

(Just a side note NyanCat, first welcome to the role play. You'll noticed how Neverlight and AuroraNightshade have put in a little more detail into their posts. We will hopefully be at this for a long time, and ease/interest of reading is greatly appreciated. It is much easier for me to respond and to keep things moving if each of us strive to put in extra detail to our descriptions. I know it's just a word game, but double checking your posts for proper capitalization and punctuation etc also help to make the role play feel a little more professional and mature, if you know what I mean? If you could put some effort into those things we are sure to be fast friends. 'Preciate it.)

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 06:24 (9 Years ago)
(Oh, no problem! I'll try to work harder on that because I'm not exactly used to role playing like this :'D it'll take me a little while but i'll get better with my responses!)

Neil was trying to hold in an over-joyed squeal due to the sheer joy Professor Aspen had just given him. "Thank you so much you have no idea how happy this makes me! I'll do my absolute best out there with Gastly! I'm not bad, and absolutely will NOT misuse him at all!" He said in a very confident tone. He grinned super wide with the brightest eyes you'll ever see. "I-I'll do my best out there to make you happy and impress you with my very best effort! Watch me fill in this PokeDex before anyone else can! Just you wait!" Although his claim about the PokeDex was slightly unrealistic with his work ethic, he really wanted to impress the Professor by being able to train his new ghost friend with the best of his abilities.
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 08:51 (9 Years ago)
Eona had curled up in my hand and I smiled at her, tucking her close to me so she wouldn't fall. I did not want to put her in the Pokeball unless I had to. I looked over at the Gardevoir and smiled. Holding Eona in one hand, I fisted the other over my chest and bowed slightly. Then I extended my hand to him. "Hi. I don't think I caught your name. I'm Serafina but you can call me Sera if you want. And this sweet little baby is Eona," I told him. "I really like your accent," I added then bent down so I could say hello to his Aron. "Hi, little sweetheart. You are so cute! And such a leader! If it's alright with your trainer, I have a treat you might like. But we have to ask him first."
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 14:59 (9 Years ago)
"Uh... My name is Evander." I was still trying to process her excited chatter. "And I guess you can give him something if you want, but if it's food you may have some trouble. As far as I know Aron's diet consists solely of rocks and metals." I glossed over her compliment, as the thought of someone likening the sound of my accent mad me extremely uncomfortable. I sat myself down cross legged next to Stark, pulling the bag Aspen had given me into my lap. "Let's see what we got shall we?" I sorted though the various medical sprays and pokeball until I found what I was looking for. Pulling the Pokedex out, I popped open the red metal case. It hummed to life, displaying I long line of question marks running down the screen. I snapped it shut and placed it in my coat pocket. I looked at the crouching Milotic and her sleeping Dwebble. They had such opposite auras. The young woman's busted with enthusiasm, practically screaming for adventure. The Pokemon on the other hand was perfectly content with staying exactly where it was. "Professor Aspen said we should travel together for a little while, but if you don't mind I'd like to wait for maybe one or two more people to tag along. I don't feel comfortable with the idea Of traveling alone through the wilderness with a young woman.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 01:26 (9 Years ago)
"I can wait. Eona and I are in no rush. It's nice here. Though Isn't it suppose to be the young woman who is uncomfortable traveling alone with a strange young man?" I teased, grinning, "It's alright. I don't mind waiting for a couple other people. It might be better if we had a few more people until we're all strong enough to protect ourselves." Smiling, I reached into my bag and pulled out a jar. In it, a collection of rocks and sand clinked. She opened it and reached inside. Pulling out a bit of rock, I offered it to Stark. "Here, does this strike you're fancy, Sir Stark?" I asked.