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The Airore Region (AU Pokemon Sign Up)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Airore Region (AU Pokemon Sign Up)
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 22/07/2015 21:13 (9 Years ago)
We have a full group and at this point in time, sign ups are CLOSED.

The Premise
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In the beginning, there was Arceus. He created the first legendary pokemon and gave them powers in order to create the world of pokemon. Though there were a couple of obstacles and tricky parts, eventually the world was complete.
A certain pokemon, one of the first three ever created, was called Giratina. It was given the ability to travel between realities, in order to keep the balance between Arceus' creations. It fulfilled its task well, and slipped unnoticed between realms.
But even gods make mistakes.
When leaving the world of pokemon, a floating speck of unorganized matter cause Giratina to sneeze. It was a perfectly natural reaction, but it had unintended consequences. Giratina sneezed at the moment that its power to shift was at its peak. This power was accidentally released by Giratina's sneeze, and another reality was created.
This new reality was almost identical to the one Giratina had just left, but some things had changed. The shiny hue that was normally so rare in the first dimension was now more prevalent among the pokemon. The legendary pokemon that had been set up as guardians in the original realm had been stripped of their awesome powers, and were no longer one of a kind. Many of the natural cycles were reversed. The sun rose in the west and set in the east. The moon waxed and waned in the opposite direction. The humans had bizarre features, such as green hair and purple eyes. Some were even odd combinations of human and pokemon.
For a long while, about a century of our time, Giratina was in a panic. It was especially bothered by the weaker versions of itself, and the great Arceus. But when nothing disastrous occurred, Giratina relaxed. It let the world continue to exist, keeping a watchful eye on the new dimension, watching in case this accidental creation upset the balance of the universe. This mistake became Airore.

The Gameplay
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My plan for this role play is kind of like a pokemon themed D&D. I'll be the dungeon master, and you guys will create characters to go on a pokemon adventure with the plot I've hatched. We will start at the pokemon lab and travel as a group through the Airore Region. There will be gym leaders, contests, evil Team members, legendary encounters, puzzles, etc. Think of it like playing one of the actual pokemon games, only text based.
Because of the intense nature of the role play, I am only looking for a few players, 5-6 at most. I'm also looking for people who are dedicated and into a long term commitment, because ideally this will go on for quite some time. Lastly, I am looking for people who can put forth an honest effort to be detailed with their posting. It is difficult to respond to only a few lines of text. You don't have to go overboard and write a novel, but at least 2-3 short paragraphs are expected per post.
Hopefully I haven't scared everyone away.

The Rules
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1. Follow all PokeHero forum rules
2. Please give at least two other participants a chance to respond between posts
3. Notify the group if you will be gone for an extended period of time so we don't wait forever for you to post
4. Please keep your character sheet (which will morph from your character application in this thread) up to date. If your pokemon gains a level, or you receive new items, etc. edit your post to reflect that. Otherwise I wont know and will treat your character like it didn't happen.
5. Feel free to PM me plot ideas you'd like to happen. I'm open to player input
6. Please maintain the proper tense for writing. We will be voting as a group whether to use 3rd or 1st person. Once decided, stick to it.

Sign Up Form
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Character Name:
Appearance: (picture or description accepted)
*Note: Pokemorphs are common in the Airore Region, and as such you can make your character one. A pokemorph is a human with pokemon features, such as a girl with an Espeon tail or man with Swellow wings. These features are constant, but do not provide extra powers/abilities. Just because you have skin the color of a Seviper does not mean you can spit poison.
Personality/History: (at least 2 paragraphs)
Preferred Writing Tense: (3rd person- "Kyle picked up the pokeball" or 1st person- "I picked up the pokeball")
Preferred Starting Pokemon: (List top 5 from at least 2 different types. Is not limited to usual starters e.i you could list Ponyta/Zoura/Shinx etc.)

*sets out cookies and hopes for people to be interested*

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 01:20 (9 Years ago)
Character Name: Evander Kråkalenge

Gender: Male

Age: 17


Personality/History: For most of his life Evander lived high in the mountains with his parents, only coming down once every few months with his father to buy supplies. He was a perfectly normal child, at least, as normal as a pokemorph can be. Like most Gardevoir he had a strong bond with his family, always being sure to put them first. He planned to stay with them his whole life, but they had other ideas. They worried that the lack of people his age would cause him to become lonely and depressed. So on his 17th birthday they sat him down and explained to him that they were sending him on a Pokemon journey. Despite his objections, who would help them around the house, who would help harvest the rice, they were set in the idea. He would go on a journey. He would meet people, make friends, and explore the world! Once he was finished they would be waiting if he wanted to return. So he went, taking only a few belongings in a backpack, heading down the mountain to the small town where the Laboratory resided.

Preferred Writing Tense: First person

Preferred Starting Pokemon: Pumpkaboo, Eevee, Ralts, Aron, Fletchling

(Would just like to clear something up. If a person has Swellow wings, wouldn't they be able to fly?)
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 01:55 (9 Years ago)
Cool character, welcome to the role play! And yes, certain Pokemorph attributes could give you enhanced physical abilities, such as flight or breaking things with horns or staying warm with fur. I just know to some people, Pokemorphs are people who can turn into pokemon, and keep their type and attacks. I wanted to make a distinction between the two.

Now we wait for at least one more person to join.

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 08:25 (9 Years ago)
Character Name: Serafina Lightwood
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality/History: Living on a small secluded island, Sera was friends with the kids of her tribe. They had all formed a tight bond with there only four of them their age. She grew up normally, planning to become a healer like her mother. She was her mothers apprentice and as such knew all about the plants, rocks and other such things that she used to make medicines with. However in her tribe, when children reach the age of twenty, they are sent out in the world to explore for a year to either settle down or come back to the island and tribe. Sera had always been curious, one of her best and worst qualities. So she had a bag packed up with all of her favorite things. Like her bladed fans and her collapsible fishing pole. Her mother gave her a bag of herbs and charms for good luck to bring on her journey as well. Her father, the tribes chief, bestowed a valuable sea glass necklace to her. The glass was milky and the edges warn smooth by the sea and sand. At the center was a Milotic carved out of wood to remind her of where she came from. After many hugs, she shouldered her messenger bag and set off for the Laboratory she had heard rumors of.
Preferred Writing Tense: I prefer first but I'm fine with third as well
Preferred Starting Pokemon: Vulpix, Ralts, Dwebble, Eevee, and Feebas
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 16:54 (9 Years ago)
Welcome Ms. Nightshade! I'm looking forward to getting to know Serafina better.

I'm planning to start the actual game next Monday/Tuesday ish. Give people the weekend to look at our board and hopefully join. If not, the three of us will be off on an adventure soon.

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 02:43 (9 Years ago)
Why thank you! I'm so excited to start! And you can call me Aurora if you'd like. Doesn't matter to me but figured I'd let you knew. I'm excited to see what adventures you've got cooked up!
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 19:53 (9 Years ago)
Okie dokie guys, the role play has started here. Maybe we will get one more person to join as we get started, but if not we are off!

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 04:29 (9 Years ago)
Character Name: Neil Griffith
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality/History: Neil is one of the biggest punks you'll ever meet. Hes got a Gengar grin and the sharp red eyes to match. Hes very feisty and is a little short tempered. His love for ghost types have made him a bit of a spooky one. He likes to prank and play tricks on others. Despite his overbaring bad boy nature, hes a total sweetheart and really wants someone to accept him for who he is.
He doesnt like to talk about himself or where he came from. The fact that hes orphaned and lived in a foster home most of his life really bothers him like no other. He grew up in an oh so tiny town, where his parents abandoned him at the doorstep of a boys foster home. This is also where he met his life long best friend, Lance, whom decided to stay home for now. As he grew up, he had a hard time making friends and took his frustration out on music, in which he had taught himself how to play guitar and piano. But because he really had nothing much else to do he left on his journey throught the Airore region.
Preferred Writing Tense: 3rd person
Preferred Starting Pokemon:
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 30/07/2015 05:12 (9 Years ago)
Hey NyanCat, glad you want to join us. If you check out our board, we're just leaving the lab. Why don't you PM me, we can get you your starter, and Neil can join the group on Route 1?

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 03/08/2015 23:43 (9 Years ago)
Please tell me this is still open! I really want to join! ^-^

Character Name: Minori Caltrio
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Minori has black, pixie cut hair with a golden streak in it. Her eyes are the same color(gold)with a tint of blue around the iris. She wears a blue tank top and skinny jeans with black boots.
Personality/History: Minori is very quiet, she prefers to keep to herself and refuses to talk to others she doesn't know. Yet, she is very kind and playful around ones she has lived with or known for quite some time.
Her history isn't something she loves to talk about. Minori's mother disowned her the moment she was born, not wanting to be part of her life. Minori's father wasn't like that at all. He was the one who raised and cared for her. They both lived happily in a small town but her father was concerned at the fact that she didn't have any friends or others to talk to. Because of this, he told her to go to the lab to start on a journey, knowing she would talk to others. Not wanting to make her father disappointed, Minori agreed and set off. (at least 2 paragraphs)
Preferred Writing Tense: 3rd Person
Preferred Starting Pokemon: Eevee, Dratini~, Lapras, Houndour, Togepi
Avatar drawing made by quercusrubra.tumblr

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 04/08/2015 16:28 (9 Years ago)
Sure, we can have one more person in the party. Minori is approved, go ahead and send her to the lab ASAP and then we can assemble our party and get on the road.

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 11:08 (9 Years ago)
Right, I'm just asking, but is this still open?