MMk, so what's happening rn, and how much did I miss in the last 25
pages? Cat's eye wants to catch some birdies and eat catnip))
(@___ love ur avi *^* its gifany from gravity falls :D!(i can't
amethyst looked at all the gems with a shocked expression
"wwwhhhat-- h-happened... were's agua...-?"
the waves crashed onto shore with lots of force, although there
wasn't a cloud in the sky
Cinna woke up and rubbed her head. She yawned and saw that the cat
was gone. She frowned and walked out the door, heading to the
beach. When she got there she saw all the people. She hid behind a
large rock, praying they didn't see her. She peered from behind the
rock, looking at them, waiting till they left. She saw the waves,
and her eyes widened
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Cinna saw Lion disappear and she gasped, then her hand went to her
mouth. Other gems? She thought, smiling. I'm not the only one! She
was so happy, she laughed.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
The crack in ambers gem widened just a little more and she started
flickering "Um JaDe WiLl YoU cOmE bAcK hErE fOr A sEcOnD? I tHiNk
ThErE's SOmEtHiNgg WrOnG wItH mY gEm"
(oh god that took forever to type)
(For some reason I feel like you're begging me to join in without
saying it. just a coincidence)
Hearing the degree of commotion, Lapis gave up hiding and stepped
outside the seaside cave.
"Hey!" She called to the group gathered nearby. "Need some help?"
It doesn't matter if we're in a dream or
because this ensemble of ours is like an endless love. ♪