Name : Kioiki
Appearance : here
Age : 15
Crush : open
Bf/gf: open
Pokemon or digimon : digimon
Team : Mailbirdramon and greymon
Other : she is nor good neither bad she fights for herself only .
Form :
Name : Aries
Appearance : A girl with blond hair and one blue eye and one scar
over her bionic eye. She normally wears a black sweatshirt over her
blue t-shirt. She has blue jeans and red sneakers.
Age : 18
Crush : none.
Bf/gf: none.
Pokemon or digimon : digimon
Team : betamon
Other : Her history is harsh, so nobody talks about it. She also
has a friend named Autumnwind that talks about the pokemon
Name: Autumnwind (or Autumn)
Appearance: a girl with brown hair and green eyes. she wears
leather clothing and white shoes.
Age: 18
Crush: none.
Bf/Gf: none.
Pokemon or Digimon: Mainly Digimon
Team: Zoura later on and Tokomon (Cuz whynaught?)
Other: She says she can travel through space. No one believes her
but she like to tell her stories to Aries.
Haunter and piplup stop playing and see a snivy
Haunter:"Haunter ,haunter haunter ?"
Piplup:"piplup ?"
(Um hello there ?
Are you a snivy ?)
Snivy:"Snivy snivy snivy"
(Is not your job....)
Haunter:"Haunter haunter haunter haunter...."
(But we just wanted to make friends
Haunter and snivy started to battle
Snivy uses leaf tornado but he misses
Alexander sees what was happening and snaps into the battle
Alexander:"Haunter use sucker punch!"
Haunter uses sucker punch and lets snivy with 3 health
Alexander:"I guess that is all...."
Alexander throws a pokeball at snivy and catches him
After he goes to the poke center to heal snivy