Caelum watched in awe as large wings burst from Melez's back.
"You... you have them? You have them... too?" he exclaimed, a
mixture of happiness, confusion, and fear all together. Another
person with wings?! Thoughts raced through his mind and he
gasped. "You... you're like me?"
She sighs, "No. Not quite... My father, is a demon... My m...
Mother, is an angel." She takes a deep breath. "I am a halfbreed.
And not a good kind either... I am hated by many people. Because of
this combination..." She points to her horns and her wings.
"I don't see what's so bad..." Caelum said, confused. "You have
wings, and you have horns, but that doesn't seem like such a bad
thing." He tilted his head like a confused dog and frowned a bit.
"You look pretty to me."
She blushes. "You are young and don't have a side in this stupid
war... There are many things in this world to understand... And
this is one of the harder things to learn..." She sighs and smiles.
"You really think I'm pretty?"
Caelum nodded. "Yes!" Doesn't she know how pretty she is? She
looks so surprised to hear that... he thought, and sighed.
Maybe because of the way people treat her, she was never called
beautiful. That thought made him look down at his feet, a bit
angry and sad that people would act toward her that way just
because she looked different.
Zack went into the old memories of after he became an angel, it was
like a blackout, so he didn't noticed what happened in his
surroundings for sometime. After the blackout ended, Zack noticed
that Melez wasn't there, nor was Caelum. "My first blackout huh?"
he thought to himself. He drank the tea, which was cold now, and
went out of the shop.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Caelum nodded. "It's okay," he replied. "I haven't used them in a
while..." Sloppily, two white wings spread out, one lagging behind
the other. They flapped a few times (at least a few feathers fell
on the ground) and folded, the feathers nearest the ground sweeping
it a bit. "I'm not very good at using them yet," he muttered.
Melez smiles. "You're young... And if you would like I could teach
you how to use your wings..." She says as she flaps her wings once
and she is a foot off the ground. She keeps flapping her wings
remaining in the air. He powerful wings creating a breeze making
her hair flutter behind her head.
Zack walked and looked around the city, the better you know it, the
better you do in fights. After sometime, he entered a narrow road,
where there was no one watching him. Suddenly, a childish
temptation to fly raised within him, unable to resist it he opened
his wings, which covered the background. He flapped them once to
rise up from the ground. As he flapped those wings again and again,
a storm like breeze was created with its power in the surrounding
area of the road. "Time to fly!" he said loudly as he took off. He
flew higher and higher until he reached the clouds. He hided in the
clouds as he didn't wanted anyone to notice him, and flew with a
great speed as he looked around the city from inside the clouds.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Caelum nodded shyly. "Thank you," he muttered, and watched in awe
as Melez lifted off the ground. In an attempt to catch up to her,
he fluttered his wings and hovered above the earth for a few
moments before plopping down, thankfully landing on his feet. He
tried again, and got a bit higher before he fell. Once more, he
lifted himself and went a little higher.
Melez smiles as Caelum attempts to reach her. She thinks to
herself, "He really does remind me of me when I was that small..."
She chuckles, "Keep trying! You're doing great!" She keeps herself
hovering only a few feet off the ground. Her wings beginning to
kick up the dirt and sticks beneath her with the repeated strong
gusts of wind.
Glaysa wnadered around the woods, observing the wild life. She saw
a flash of movement, before seeing a baby deer in front of her.
Reaching out, she touches its soft muzzle. She cooed gentlybwhile
rubbing its tender head, before it relizes that a large kitsune was
standing right behind Glaysa. The deer fawn ran away, and Glaysa
huffed. "Rhea, you silly pup." Glasya continued to step over the
earth with bare feet, Rhea bounding in front of her, exorinf the
land. Glasya stopped, and suddenly colapsed, hitting her head on a
wide root.
Caelum became inspired by Melez's kind words and beat his wings
harder, finally able to stabilize himself in the air, wobbling only
slightly. He took an adventurous flutter and reached up to Melez
for a moment, faltering in the air and, with much effort, he
finally hovered beside Melez, flapping his wings furiously.
Melez smile widens as she reaches out her hand to him. "His
tenacity is astounding... But is it a good thing that he reminds me
of myself? If he is like me he will either find trouble, or it will
find him..." She chuckles. "Very well done Caelum!"
"Thank you, Melez!" Caelum exclaimed, as happy as he was with
himself as Melez seemed to be with him. He grinned widely and
continued to keep up his hard work, seeing as how it pleased Melez.
He remembered how free he felt when he last used his wings--though
it was hardly flying, it still felt surreal and wonderful to him.
She grins. "Keep flapping..." She takes his hand and begins to flap
her wings harder pulling him gently with her. She brings him higher
and higher. Keeping a tight grip on his hand. They get up above the
clouds and she holds him at a certain level so his feet are on a
cloud. "What do you think?" She chuckles.
"It's... amazing!" Caelum breathed, looking around at the blueness
enveloping him and Melez. "It's just beautiful." He looked down at
his feet, chuckling as the wispy clouds danced in slow-motion
around his toes. He dared not let go of Melez's hand, lest he
plummet to his doom, but that grave thought was pushed aside as joy
rushed through him.