Forum Thread
More variety of Pkmn types at the Bug game
Forum-Index → Suggestions → More variety of Pkmn types at the Bug gameMaybe a different type for every month? For example October could be Ghost type Poke'mon to click and hatch. And December, Ice types, etc.
There could even be a small drawing competition to draw backgrounds that's present on the clicking part of the game. (The bugs fit well in the current grassy terrain, but maybe some Ice types or Ghost types might make a little less sense.) Rewards could be a small sum of Festival Points or something. :3 Although, you can find any type of egg in the Tall Grass, so it's possible the background doesn't really need changing. Just a thought.
It's mainly an aesthetic change, but I'd personally find it really great, as I've felt the site has been a little Bug happy lately. And it seems like a fun idea that could have good potential to get the community involved. :3
The goal to a shiny Meloetta is a long, repetitive road, and a little variation on what you're clicking could be like a nice glass of lemonade to counter the tediousness.
Other Suggestions/add-ons:
Although not directly about the suggestion (but still on topic of the Bug Hatching game in general), I do agree that I feel like the shiny Bug Poke'mon you click should give you at least one more point than a normal Bug Poke'mon, as you recognize the Bug even though its' color is different than normal in the split moment it's on screen. As a consequence, maybe clicking a shiny of any other Poke'mon type gives you a -4 or more depending.
Ultimately it would be up to Riako to decide which type would go to each month, if the idea appeals him, but I do like a lot of these. .u.
I actually hadn't even thought of giving points to Events, but really I feel it kinda should. Knowing the events' types on PH is more of a feat than knowing the regular ones in my opinion. I still don't remember most of the Harvest Sprites' secondary types. So I think that would be cool. I'd make myself remember if it meant getting more points. x3
Honestly I feel like there's a lot of wiggle room in my suggestion as a whole. So I don't see why it can't change over a years time. 2015s July could be "Bug types" while next year could be something completely different like "Only Event Poke'mon" or "Only Pikachus" or it could always be "Bug types". Although, personally, I find the more variety in one thing, the better. :3
Simply put, the bug contest is from the games.
You'd go out, catch bug types, and keep only the best one you caught from each game (thats how it worked, right? Haven't played that game in years)
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While, true it is based off the games, the Safari Zone actually does have more than just Bug types in it, too, but on PH only Bugs are present.
Plus I think more than just Bug type Poke'mon deserve to be beautiful and talented and judged. Dogs and various other animals get their own shows on TV about being judged on their intelligence/obedience and beauty.
It also occurred to me that Mega Bugs are even easier to get than before with the Safari Zone and now this allowing capture of them. Granted I've only seen a few posts from users get megas from this new thing, so it's possible it's not really all that high. But I wouldn't know the statistics on that. There are only 12 months, so not all types would be addressed, and it's only for one week in that year that each type would get the spotlight, anyway. So it's not like any Mega would lose its' value, really. Just Bug Megas might be a little more evened out?
As a final note, which I'll be adding to the first post, if your aim is anything like mine, and you plan to get a shiny Meloetta, you will be at that game a lot. And a little variation at what you're clicking on would run down the tedious level just a bit.
Title: Good Idea!
January: Psychic
February: Flying
March: Electric
April: Water Type (April Showers)
May : Grass Type (May Flowers)
June: Ground
July : Bug type
August: Fire Type (hot)
September: Dragon Type
October: Ghost Type
November: Dark Type (Mostly b/c it is between ghost and ice, but also black friday, etc)
December: Ice type
I bolded the ones I've thought out the most
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I do like the sugestion of new types especially by month
it gets tedious always getting the same pokemon and with more types I feel like it would be more interesting
And the drawing contest tho ;D I'd like to see that
maybe - just maybe- There could be a limit amount of eggs you can get? like 50 or something I really don0t know
But this is a cute idea
Since we did bug this month, I put bug as this month, since if It is implemented, we won't see bugs for a whole year (because it will be the same month)
And there are a lot of bugs this month too.
August for fire is so it coincides with the Summer Time Shaymin thing, and summer is when it is WARM
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Buuut; it won't be called "Bug" Hatching anymore, but that's only a minor fix! :P
Also, yes, there should definitely be a point bonus for both Shiny "Bugs" and Event "Bugs". I've seen the Ice-Cream Metapods several times and events are rarer than the original Pokémon. I was thinking Normal +1, Event +2, Shiny +3, and Shiny Event +5 or something amongst those lines.
I'm also happy that the overlay bug was fixed; sadly I could not see how it worked thanks to the Bug Contest already ending.
Actually, I was thinking around Halloween/Thanksgiving it could be a Pumpaboo hatching thing, like picking out the biggest pumpkin, and maybe there'd be a few special pseudo-event pumpkaboo that had special skins and were worth more points or less points depending on.
Heck, I'd personally throw something if a
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Actually, Midnight_Rein, I think that's an adorable idea that could be its' own separate game. The Pumpkaboo sizes, as far as I know, have yet to be addressed yet. And picking/growing/etc. them could be a cute, fun way to implement them. If you decide to make a suggestion about implementing such a game or something let me know, I would like to see it implemented. :3
I realuze that I didn't think February out pink is just logic
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