I am giving away 50,000 Pokedollars!
There is no purchasing to be made, all you simply have to is
train/warm 1 of these 5 pokemon/eggs and post which pokemon you
chose in the comments!
(Please comment AFTER training)
However if you train more than 1 pokemon that will not increase
your chances, but if you want to do so out of kindness go
Have fun and goodluck!
Deadline is 07/07/2015 13:00 UK time, IF you AREN'T in the UK
please say so...
1.) Madison28 |Interacted: Tyrantrum|
2.) GinaNeko |Interacted: All but the egg|
3.) prince-komahina |Interacted: All|
4.) Anime |Interacted: All but the egg|
5.) Sirblaney |Interacted: All|
6.) Veris |Interacted: All|
7.) xCharizardx |Interacted: All|
8.) Ruby |Interacted: Egg|
9.) Junker Can |Interacted: All but the egg|
10.) Gastrodon |Interacted: Blaziken|
11.) Latias Queen |Interacted: All|
12.) ShinyHaxorus |Interacted: All|
13.) Mega wolfy |Interacted: All|
14.) Leafsoul |Interacted: All|
15.) Megagardevoir |Interacted: All|
16.) ankurgupta341 |Interacted: Torchic|
Thanks again everyone, no matter which pokemon you trained :D
Thank you all who have entered so far remember the deadline is
07/07/2015 13:00 UK time, if you are not in the UK and have posted
previously please post 'Not British'
Again, goodluck!
Well I'll be releasing the winner tommorrow at 1 o'clock in the
You still have the same chances of winning but you MIGHT get the
money awhile after the deadline, is this ok?
If anyone is not in the UK you will still have the same chances of
winning however you might not get the money at the same time as you
would if you lived in Britain, it's just cos I live there nothing
personal guys (Y)
I'm going offline untill tommorrow morning when I wake up (around
8AM) I will update the lists
You can still enter though!