Forum Thread
"I'm out" Auction button
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → "I'm out" Auction buttonHere's the meaning for an Auction: A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
You bid on it because you wanted it, right? There's no reason to bid on something other than wanting that Pokemon, so why would you want to cancel a bid?
In real life you're not allowed to cancel a bid when placed on an item, similar to PokeHero's auction, you cannot cancel a bid when placed on a Pokemon. Real life Auction = PH Auction.
Thanks for reading.
Re-reading/reading more slowly would help, what Griff meant was that you should have a button to cancel a bid once you get OutBid also, imagine this, an Auction of a shiny Mega-able is on auction for 5 days, you bid all your PD on it and then get out bid, how would you get your money back? You cant, so you would need to wait 5 days to get your PD back, so you wouldnt get a chance of getting something else you like that might of been added the day after, you see where i'm going with this?
I support this but i am pretty sure it has been suggested before quite a few times (I will find the Thread/s)
I fully support this~
It could be way too easy to abuse this and bump up the price of a Pokemon in auction just to make other people spend more PD.
Example: someone puts up a bit of 100,000 PD. someone then bids another 2,000PD. The person who bid 100,000 then backs out. Now the price is up 102,000 when it could be only 2,000, forcing others who might want to bid out because they don't have enough.
Like, i'm pretty sure if the auction is that much it wouldn't have sold for only 2k anyway.
I support
In a real life auction, if you are outbid, you no longer have to spend that proffered price on the item. In an Ebay auction, when you are outbid, you can go into a different auction and spend the money there with no risk, because you aren't spending any money on the first auction.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

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