Forum Thread
Don't Look Back
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Don't Look BackTurn 6: Sandworm is charging! Hulk used Dragon Claw and broke its concentration!
Turn 7: Sandworm attacked! Hulk used headbutt!
Turn 8: Sandworm began to squeeze the Shelgon!
Sandworm: 43% HP. Two dodges remaining!
Hulk: 75% HP. Two dodges remaining!
Turn 7: Sandworm attacked! Hulk used headbutt!
Turn 8: Sandworm began to squeeze Hulk! Hulk used crunch!
Team 9: The Sandworm is trying to disinfect its cut!
Sandworm: 31% HP. Two dodges remaining!
Hulk: 75% HP. Two dodges remaining!
Sex: Male
Team or Solo: Solo
Team Members: N/A
Team Name: N/A
Species: Pokemon (Manectric)
Age of character: 27
Movepools: Quick Attack, Discharge, Bite, Thunder Fang
Level: 30
Appearance: Scruffy and scarred with longer fangs than is normal.
Backstory: An ordinary Manectric who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He spent his younger years fighting for dominance over his pack when he was finally driven away by a stronger male. Being alone has caused him to become ill-tempered and hard to get along with.
Other things: N/A

Sandworm was hit full in the face and screeched loudly as blue engulfed it. (Crit!) It fell to the ground, effectively knocked out. (You have to go look around now...) In some time, the guardian will regenerate its health!
(You two get to RP for awhile. By the way, if you want, you can make a team :3)
(You two get to RP for awhile. By the way, if you want, you can make a team :3)
Gradually Denver's initial shock faded into disgruntlement at the situation he was in the longer they walked and the harder he thought about it. It was when he tripped over a rock that his temper flared and he growled angrily, sparks crackling around his body. "What is it that we're supposed to be doing? For all we know we could be walking in circles!"

"I know we don't, but I don't really know where to go. What do you reckon? We should start looking around for something no?"
(well I'm going offline too. See you all tomorrow! :3)

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