Flare stared at the guardian, a slight look of horror plastered
upon her face. She wanted to help her, but they couldn't get off
task. She looked up at Dalia. "Let's go." She said, dashing around
the pond in search of the waterfall.
Dalia stared in shock at what she was seeing. Everything was
passing so quickly. One second manectric asked for her to join, the
other she was knocked out on the ground. "Yes, we have to." Dalia
replied nervously. She wanted to help Jay, but her instincts told
her to run. She started into the forest, tears dripping on the
ground behind her.
[center] Name: Sweet
Adopt one yourself! @[url=http://www.pokemon-adoption.de]Pok
Denver jumped back with a start at the sudden change in Jay, lips
pulled back in a snarl and fangs crackling with electricity. He had
to quickly snap his jaws shut to prevent the discharge of his
Thunder Fang when she collapsed on the ground, hesitation at her
plea clear on his face. He didn't want to leave her after all she
had done for them, but he knew if he didn't he would have to fight
whatever it was that was possessing her body. Right before he
bounded off after Hulk in search of the waterfall, he murmured in
her ear, "You're not alone."
(Wait didn't I already posted something?????? I'm so confused right
now ;-;)
Hulk looked at Denver, It's time to go He thought. He
started to follow the other two Pokémon. He wanted to know what was
happening and to do that they had to go around the pond and reach
that waterfall.