She raised an eyebrow (if cat's have eyebrows... :/ ) and flicked
her tail disdainfully. She huffed a small snort. She shook her head
and twitched an ear. "I thought you would've been a little bit
wiser after defeating that Sandworm, Hulk."
Flare only responded with a nod and turned her head back and forth
to get a glimpse of their surroundings. "Think there's anything
else around here?" She asked curiously.
Hulk was in shock, how come she knew her name and what happened
between the Sandworm and him? This was all really confusing. "H-how
do you know that? It was on a totally different place than this..."
She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Hulk. Me? With a Sandworm? Oh no.
No, no, no , no, no. Let's just say, I have my sources." Her paws
kneeded the ground and she licked her chest fur.
"Best not to aggravate her, Hulk," Denver finally murmured after
quietly listening to the exchange between his teammate and the
mysterious cat-like creature. "She's the only clue we have right
now to finding our way off this planet." He dipped his head
respectfully to her, saying, "Forgive us. We're both a little
unnerved after all that's happened. We'd be happy to follow you."
Hulk decided to trust his partner and go with the flow. Maybe the
cat will know something more about what's being happening lately.
"Okay we'll go with you. Were are you taking us?"
The she-cat snorted. "I'm not taking you anywhere. I'm
leading you both to a stream where you can rejuvenate before you
have to battle the guardian." She began to pad up to the way of
which she came but then stopped, "Come on, then, I don't bite
that hard."
"Okay then. We'll go with you to wherever you're taking us." Hulk
thought that this was the only way they would get something from
the cat so he and Denver started to follow the big cat.
The big cat smiled, showing off her glistening white fangs as the
pokemon followed her. She padded away, leading them towards the
other two pokemon. She smiled as she saw Girafrig and Braixen
standing back to back. She frowned as she sensed the extra power
rolling off the Girafrig, and closed her eyes. In a second, it was
replaced by a much weaker force.
Flare turned her head, noticing the cat again. "Uh, Dalia?" She
nudged her, staring at it somewhat suspiciously. She couldn't quite
see what exactly was it behind the cat. What did that thing
bring back, another horde of minions for us to face? She
sighed, the flame on her stick growing stronger in case it
"Peace, FurryWand. No, I haven't brought a horde to kill you.
Besides, if that was a lot, you have much to learn." The big cat
stepped aside to show the two Pokémon behind her.
Hulk was a little bit taken aback when he saw the other two
Pokemon. 'What were they doing with the cat?' Hulk wondered. He
decided to say hi either way. "Hello."
Oh great, this cat can read minds. Flare sighed, spotting
the new Pokemon and putting her stick away. "...Hi. I'm Flare. Who
are you?" Flare, not FurryWand.