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What about grass pokemon?
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General Discussion → What about grass pokemon?
Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 07:27 (9 Years ago)
Do you like grass pokemon? What is your favourite? Mine is Cacnea
Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 18:54 (9 Years ago)
They're getting better attacks, so they're getting more useful. I
like Chikorita and Tropius
Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 00:22 (9 Years ago)
I love grass Pokemon <3
My favorite is either Sceptile or Lilligant.
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 20:32 (9 Years ago)
A grass pokemon it's a gras pokemon!
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 31/07/2015 11:36 (9 Years ago)
Lilligant it's so elegant!
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 67
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 19:33 (9 Years ago)
Venusaur. Mega evolves and if used properly can be very effective
during battle.
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 67
Forum Posts: 911
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 21:56 (9 Years ago)
I really like Meganium! I'm doing a Wedlocke challenge on Soul
Silver and he's definitely the Pokemon I'm relying on the most!
Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 21:59 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 267
Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 15:05 (9 Years ago)
Grass pokemon? *fire comes out of mouth* WHO U TALKIN TO MAN? WHAT
KINDA 2 WORDS WAS THAT? *shreds an eevee in half in rage*

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