@AndrezSouza all of our prices are listed based on rarity and type
of pokemon you want be it regular, shiny or mega able. We do NOT offer
shiny megas at this time sorry
@~Kety~ I'm afraid all of our prices are firm. If a particular
breeder is willing to negotiate that's fine, but that is between
you and them.
1. Omanyte (2x Please)
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. -
6. No
1. Spinarak
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. Female
6. No
1. Hoppip (Intend to turn it into a Skiploom, so not looking for a
too high level one so I don't accidentally evolve it past Skiploom
again >.>)
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. Female
6. No
I can actually go ahead and fill the orders of the 2 Omanyte and
female Spinarak if that'd be okay.
I don't currently have a Hoppip at all though and I'm currently
trying to finish a quick hunt to take advantage of the last day or
two of my premium so I can't breed one at the moment.
Hi, feel free to address me using any of the following
names: Max, Envy, or Hoodie!
That's fine with me, just palpad me the price in PD for the
Omanytes and Spinarak. And I'll wait for the Hoppip until someone
can get to it. Am on my very first hunt as well so know how that
can be now xD