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Sarena's Lovenasium normal/shiny/megaable shop

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting Sarena's Lovenasium normal/shiny/megaable shop
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Sun, 28/06/2015 20:09 (9 Years ago)

Banner by Veris


Quote1. All Pokehero rules
2.Do NOT rush us. Especially for shiny or mega able requests.
3. Don't be rude. If you are rude we have full right to deny your order and/or charge you a rudeness fee. Fee/amount is up to the breeder.
4. If we have accepted your order and you break any of our rules it is our right to cancel your order.
5. If you have ANY problem with one of the breeders please contact SarenaKross with your complaint and it will be investigated.
6. You have 4 days to claim your order after it's been completed. If you have not claimed your order, or contacted me asking to hold your order, within 4 days your order will be canceled.
7. Any breeder who begins a shiny/mega hunt (if it wasn't a comission from a customer) will forefit their spot as a breeder.
8. Any applicant wanting to become a breeder, who is involved in a shiny mega hunt before applying, will be denied.

Here at the Lovenasim we strive to offer our customers prime service. Each breeder will take on only one customer at a time to make sure that they are given the proper one on one service. Because of this we ask for your patience and understanding. Especially when we take on a Shiny or Mega Able request. As soon as we have completed one order we will move on to the next person in line.

Meet our breeders!! The availability is color coded. Available Restricted Unavailable

1. SarenaKross: Is a owner!! [Available]

QuoteSarena currently hunting if you would like one please don't hesitate to ask!![/url]
I will accept payments of dragon gems, PD or a mix of the two.

2. Professor_Mac: Is a owner!! [Available]
Quote Professor_Mac is available to be requested.
I will accept anything as payment!!

3.~~Space Available~~: [Available]
Quote If you would like to become a breeder please submit the form below!!
I will accept payments of ____.

4. Inkmepurpl3: Is a owner!! [Available]
QuoteInkmepurpl3 is currently assisting a customer.
I will accept payments of Dragon Gems, PD or a mix of the two.

5. davidS: [Restricted]
Quotedavids236 is currently hunting . If you would like one please don't hesitate to contact him!
I will accept payments of Dragon Gems, PD, Nuggets, Normal gems or a mix of the four.

6. ~~Space Available~~: [Available]
Quoteb0ss is currently available to be requested.
If you would like to become a breeder please submit the form below!![/u]

Meet our pokecouples!! I will list each pokemon and which breeder they belong to. Take a moment. We have a lot to choose from. Please click on the drop down "Show Hidden Content" menu to see which pokemon we have to offer and which breeder can offer them.

SarenaKross's Breedables

Show hidden content
Quote from SarenaKross

Professor_Mac's Breedables

Show hidden content
Quote from Professor_Mac

~~Space Available~~

Show hidden content
Quote from ~~Space Available~~If you would like to become a breeder to fill this space please submit the form below!!

Inkmepurpl3's Breedables

Show hidden content
Quote from Inkmepurpl3

davidS's Breedables

Show hidden content
Quote from davids236

b0ss's Breedables

Show hidden content
Quote from Mithzan

Below is a list of prices in PD only. Note that some of the breeders here at the Lovenasim may be willing to accept Nuggets, Items or even other pokemon of equal value. All you have to do is ask!!!!

Normal Pokemon By Rarity. Rare gender and gender preference will cost extra. How much extra will be up to each breeder.

QuoteEasy= 200
Medium= 1,000 PD
Hard= 1,700 PD
Rare= 2,800 PD
Special= 2,800 PD
Event= 15,000 PD
Starter= 2,000 PD
Female Starters= 3,500 PD

Shiny Pokemon By Rarity. Rare gender and gender preference will cost extra. How much extra will be up to each breeder.

QuoteEasy= 60,000 PD
Medium= 160,000 PD
Hard= 240,000 PD
Rare= 300,000 PD
Special= 280,000 PD
Starters= 230,000 PD

Mega Powered Pokemon. Rare gender and gender preference will cost extra. How much extra will be up to each breeder

Venusaur= 180,000 PD
Blastois= 180,000 PD
Charizard (NO type prefernce)= 160,000 PD
Charizard X or Y preference= 180,000 PD
Beedrill= 100,000 PD
Pidgeot= 80,000 PD
Alakazam= 210,000 PD
Gengar= 80,000 PD
Slowbrow= 210,000 PD
Kangakhan= 230,000 PD
Pinser= 210,000 PD
Gyarados= 50,000 PD
Aerodactyl= 230,000 PD

Ampharos= 130,000 PD
Scizor= 160,000 PD
Heracross= 210,000 PD
Houndoom= 180,000 PD
Tyranitar= 230,000 PD
Steelix= 160,000 PD

Blaziken= 200,000 PD
Sceptile= 200,000 PD
Swampert= 200,000 PD
Gardevoir= 50,000 PD
Mawile= 180,000 PD
Aggron= 210,000 PD
Camerupt= 180,000 PD
Alteria= 160,000 PD
Glalie= 210,000 PD
Banette= 160,000 PD
Absol= 180,000 PD
Sableye= 130,000 PD
Sharpedo= 160,000 PD
Metagross= 3300,000 PD
Salamence= 260,000 PD

Lucario= 200,000 PD
Garchomp= 230,000 PD
Lucario= 160,000 PD
Abomasnow= 210,000 PD
Gallade= 180,000 PD
Lopunny= 160,000 PD


Audino= 110,000 PD

We now offer Genderless pokemon!! Below is a list of prices for genderless pokemon and pokemon who only come in a single gender. Please note that because they can only be bred with a ditto they are going to be slightly more expensive than their counterparts.

Easy= 700 PD
Medium= 1,500 PD
Hard= 2,200 PD
Rare= 3,300 PD
Special= 3,300 PD
Unown= 20,000

Easy= 160,000 PD
Medium= 230,000 PD
Hard= 290,000 PD
Rare= 350,000 PD
Special= 330,000 PD
Unown= 400,000 PD

Now that you've had a chance to meet our breeders, see our prices, and see the pokemon we have to offer please fill out an adoption form and post your request below. Please note that we are NOT offering a Shiny Mega Able option. If we hire a breeder willing to do a Shiny Mega Able hunt at some point I will add it as an option and give the prices for it.

Quote1. Name of the Pokemon you would like us to breed for you.
2. Shiny Yes/No
3. Mega Yes/No
4. Gender Preference Yes/No
5. If Yes, gender preference Male/Female
6. Preferred breeder if desired.

Looking for a job here at the Lovenasim?? Fill out this questionair and post it on the thread. Do NOT private message me. If you want a job you must fill out the form below and post it on this thread.

Please only apply if you notice a "Looking for Breeders" sign under our breeders list. If there are no free spots available then we are not taking any applications. Thank you.

Quote1. Do you have a blue flute playing?? Yes/No If so how much time does it have left??
2. Do you have a black flute playing?? Yes/No If so how much time does it have left??
3. Do you have a flame orb?? Yes/No
4. Do you have a Pokeradar?? Yes/No
5. Do you have a ditto?? Yes/No
6. Are you okay with the prices I have listed above?? Yes/No
7. Which boxes would you be offering to breed from??
8. Have you ever worked for another breeding place?? Yes/No
9. If the answer to #8 is Yes, which breeding place did you work for?? Why did you quit??
10. Are you currently working for another breeding place?? Yes/No. If Yes, which one??

Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 293
Posted: Sun, 28/06/2015 22:51 (9 Years ago)
Check out my Profile for my current hunt information!!

If you want a shiny spot just send me a pm or pal pad, I will get back to you within a day. =]

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 13:20 (9 Years ago)
An easy shiny is worth 150k or 200k max. (Including batteries). Don't you think you have them toooo much overpriced?
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 15:23 (9 Years ago)

Title: Pricings

All of our prices are based on the Price Checker that prices easy shinys around 250,000-280,000. All of my prices are on the lower end of the Price guide suggestions.
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 00:29 (9 Years ago)

Title: Please?

1. PsyFox and Kitsune
2. No
3. No
4. Gender Preference Yes
5. Female

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 00:34 (9 Years ago)

Title: Job

1. Do you have a blue flute playing?? No If so how much time does it have left??
2. Do you have a black flute playing?? No If so how much time does it have left??
3. Do you have a flame orb?? Yes
4. Do you have a Pokeradar?? Yes
5. Do you have a ditto?? No
6. Are you okay with the prices I have listed above?? Yes/
7. Which boxes would you be offering to breed from??both
8. Have you ever worked for another breeding place?? No
9. If the answer to #8 is Yes, which breeding place did you work for?? Why did you quit??
10. Are you currently working for another breeding place?? No. If Yes, which one??

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 00:39 (9 Years ago)
1. Yes, I buy them monthly it has 26 days left
2. Yes, I Buy them monthly it has 26 days left
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. Yes
7. Breeding box http://pokeheroes.com/userboxes.php?name=NightstarInsania&box=7
8. No
9. If the answer to #8 is Yes, which breeding place did you work for?? Why did you quit??
10. No

Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 00:56 (9 Years ago)
NightstarInsania & RoryPond will be added to my breeders list as soon as I get the thread redesigned. Also NightstarInsania I will start on the fennekin hunt as soon as my litwick hunt is over!! Thanks!!
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 66
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 05:33 (9 Years ago)
1. Cuddlithe
2. No
3. No
4. Gender Preference Yes
5. If Yes, gender preference Male/Female: One male and one female
6. Preferred breeder if desired: NightstarInsania
Other: Palpad me when my order is completed, I'll send the pd after I get the palpad message.
Also question, what genderless pokemon can you guys breed?
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 06:09 (9 Years ago)
Right now I'm the only one able to breed genderless pokemon. I have Porygon, Rotom, Bronzong, Magneton and Metang. I can also breed pokemon that only come in one gender. Kangaskhan, Miltank, Nidorina, Nidorino, Ilumise Volbet and Queen Jynx.
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 01:18 (9 Years ago)

Title: Breeding

1. Sharpedo
2. No
4. Both for a pair

Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 01:23 (9 Years ago)
RoryPond I already have a request for a female fennekin before you, but as soon as I've completed it I will move on to Sharpedo.
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2015 07:28 (9 Years ago)

Title: may i buy 3 sandile

1. 3 sandile
2. no
3. no
4. No
5. n/a
6. any who can breed them
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2015 07:34 (9 Years ago)
NightstarInsania Order Filled

RoryPond Order Filled

MasterPwee At this time I am the only one able to offer sandile. As soon as the raffle I am currently hosting is over I will start your order.
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2015 07:35 (9 Years ago)
ok thaks for your time
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 21:59 (9 Years ago)

Title: SALE

POKEMON SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right now I am currently running a sale for the folowing pokemon.

1. Magby (Available in FEMALE only. There is also one Magmar and a couple close to evolving into Magmar. Also Female)
2. Vulpix (Available in both male and female)

I do not have a set price on these pokemon as of yet. I will consider all reasonable offers.

Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 23:00 (9 Years ago)
MasterPwee: Order filled.

Thank you very much and hope to see you again soon!!
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 12:50 (9 Years ago)

Title: You guy are awesome!

1. Porygon.
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. N/A
6. No preference.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 19:42 (9 Years ago)
Nei7nick order filled.

Your newly hatched Porygon is up in GTS waiting for you!!
Banner byVeris
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Mon, 27/07/2015 01:53 (9 Years ago)
1. Do you have a blue flute playing?? No
2. Do you have a black flute playing?? No
3. Do you have a flame orb?? Yes
4. Do you have a Pokeradar?? Yes
5. Do you have a ditto?? No
6. Are you okay with the prices I have listed above?? Yes
7. Which boxes would you be offering to breed from?? All/Only ones you can breed in daycare
8. Have you ever worked for another breeding place?? No
9. If the answer to #8 is Yes, which breeding place did you work for?? Why did you quit??
10. Are you currently working for another breeding place?? No

Ps: If it's a pokemon I only have one of, I should be able to get another one of the opposite gender fairly quick.