Forum Thread
Sarena's Lovenasium normal/shiny/megaable shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Sarena's Lovenasium normal/shiny/megaable shop

Designed by Markiplier
Title: Pricings
Title: Job
2. Do you have a black flute playing?? No If so how much time does it have left??
3. Do you have a flame orb?? Yes
4. Do you have a Pokeradar?? Yes
5. Do you have a ditto?? No
6. Are you okay with the prices I have listed above?? Yes/
7. Which boxes would you be offering to breed from??both
8. Have you ever worked for another breeding place?? No
9. If the answer to #8 is Yes, which breeding place did you work for?? Why did you quit??
10. Are you currently working for another breeding place?? No. If Yes, which one??
2. Yes, I Buy them monthly it has 26 days left
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. Yes
7. Breeding box
8. No
9. If the answer to #8 is Yes, which breeding place did you work for?? Why did you quit??
10. No

2. No
3. No
4. Gender Preference Yes
5. If Yes, gender preference Male/Female: One male and one female
6. Preferred breeder if desired: NightstarInsania
Other: Palpad me when my order is completed, I'll send the pd after I get the palpad message.
Also question, what genderless pokemon can you guys breed?
RoryPond Order Filled
MasterPwee At this time I am the only one able to offer sandile. As soon as the raffle I am currently hosting is over I will start your order.
Title: SALE
1. Magby (Available in FEMALE only. There is also one Magmar and a couple close to evolving into Magmar. Also Female)
2. Vulpix (Available in both male and female)
I do not have a set price on these pokemon as of yet. I will consider all reasonable offers.
2. Do you have a black flute playing?? No
3. Do you have a flame orb?? Yes
4. Do you have a Pokeradar?? Yes
5. Do you have a ditto?? No
6. Are you okay with the prices I have listed above?? Yes
7. Which boxes would you be offering to breed from?? All/Only ones you can breed in daycare
8. Have you ever worked for another breeding place?? No
10. Are you currently working for another breeding place?? No
Ps: If it's a pokemon I only have one of, I should be able to get another one of the opposite gender fairly quick.