Forum Thread
Item and Poke Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Item and Poke ShopThis is my official shop for all items and Pokémon I have available for sale. If you see something you like, simply fill out the form listed below and post here. If you have any questions or want to haggle a price, simply send me a message in PM or the Pal Pad. I will respond as soon as I can, as I may not be online at the time of your asking.
And of course, I have some rules you must follow.

1. All PokeHero rules apply.
2. Do not rush me. I have a few very busy weeks planned so I may not be on very often.
3. Prices are negotiable, just send me a message.
4. I must be the one to set up all trades. I will post here and message you when it is ready.
5. If a trade is not accepted within ONE WEEK I will remove it.
6. For payment, I accept PD and any items I may need. These items will be listed.
7. All prices are based off of the Price Check thread.
2. Do not rush me. I have a few very busy weeks planned so I may not be on very often.
3. Prices are negotiable, just send me a message.
4. I must be the one to set up all trades. I will post here and message you when it is ready.
5. If a trade is not accepted within ONE WEEK I will remove it.
6. For payment, I accept PD and any items I may need. These items will be listed.
7. All prices are based off of the Price Check thread.
Now then, what exactly do I have for sale? Well, take a look!

Bug | x8 | 700 PD
Electric | x0 | 500 PD
Fighting | x9 | 500 PD
Flying | x0 | 500 PD
Grass | x13 | 500 PD
Ground | x22 | 500 PD
Normal | x2 | 500 PD
Poison | x59 | 500 PD
Rock | x47 | 500 PD
Water | x16 | 500 PD
Dark | 4 | 500 PD
Fire | x0 | 500 PD
Ghost | x30 | 500 PD
Ice | x0 | 500 PD
[1]Psychic | x0 | 500 PD[/I]
Steel | x5- | 500 PD
Dragon | x 0 | 45,000 PD
Fairy | x5 | 2,000 PD


















Boxes and Keys

Box Picture - Box Amount | Box
Price | Color | Key Price | Key Amount | Key Picture
- x1 | 8,000 PD | Brown | 8,000 PD | x0 -

- x0 | 8,000 PD | D. Blue | 8,000 PD | x1
- x0 | 8,000 PD | Green | 8,000 PD | x2 -

- x0 | 8,000 PD | L. Blue | 8,000 PD | x2
- x0 | 8,000 PD | Pink | 8,000 PD | x0 -

- x0 | 8,000 PD | Purple | 8,000 PD | x4 -

- x1 | 8,000 PD | Red | 8,000 PD | x1 -

- x0 | 12,000 PD | Gold | 10,000 PD | x4 -









Evolutionary Items

-See this box* for Pokémon available for
-See this box** for Pokémon from my current shiny hunt
Easy - 400 - 1000
Medium - 1000 - 1800
Hard - 2000 - 3000
Rare - 3500 - 5000
Special - 2800 - 3500
Events - 15,000 - 20,000
Unown - 20,000 - 25,000
Starters - 2000 - 4000
* If a pokemon is named -GTS- it is already in a trade and can not be claimed.
** Current hunt: Eevee
*** Make an offer based on the listed price ranges. If you are unsure, message me.
-See this box** for Pokémon from my current shiny hunt
Easy - 400 - 1000
Medium - 1000 - 1800
Hard - 2000 - 3000
Rare - 3500 - 5000
Special - 2800 - 3500
Events - 15,000 - 20,000
Unown - 20,000 - 25,000
Starters - 2000 - 4000
* If a pokemon is named -GTS- it is already in a trade and can not be claimed.
** Current hunt: Eevee
*** Make an offer based on the listed price ranges. If you are unsure, message me.
Items I want
Reserved Items waiting for trade
Orders waiting for more supply
Gina! I want to buy something!
Item or Pokémon:
Form or Payment: (Item or PD)
[b][color=purple]Gina! I want to buy
[b]Item or Pokémon:[/b]
[b]Form or Payment:[/b]
[b]Item or Pokémon:[/b]
[b]Form or Payment:[/b]
Username: PokeFlamey
Item or Pokémon: Item / Mystery box red
Quantity: 1
Form or Payment: PD
Offer: 8000 PD
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Sorry I did not mark this but after PokeFlamey, a large order for Boxes and Keys was made. 13 boxes and 15 keys are reserved.
Sorry, pii~xi and Grelli. As soon as I have enough new keys and boxes, I will let you know.
Because of that mix up, I will add a list to the main post for reservations and future requests so this does not happen again.
Dracadia - I will set up the gem exchange sometime tomorrow. Message me when you are online so no one will take it from you.
Username: Charingo
Item or Pokémon: All your boxes and keys?
Quantity: All boxes/keys
Form or Payment: PD
Offer: is 136k PD alright?

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