Forum Thread
Wonderland (Accepting!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Wonderland (Accepting!)believed in those things, but you decided
to give this 'new' theory a try. You close
your eyes, light a candle, and put out
the flame with a single tear. Simple
enough, right? You wish... and you open
your eyes. Surprised, you look around.
Where is this place? Why are you here?
What brought you to this lone winter land?
A lone hooded figure comes to you.
"Your wish may be granted. In return,
you must find your soul mate.
However, you must choose between
your soul mate, and your wish."
The hooded figure leaves. You are
conflicted. The love that you so dearly
long for? Or your wish, something
that means more than anything you
can think of?
It's your decision. Your fate lies
within your hands for once.
You have three choices;
find out what sent you here
and why,
find your soul mate for love,
or find your soul mate and
return to the figure so you can
have your wish granted.
Which do you choose?
❆ NO flawless characters.
We all have our quirks!
❆ NO fighting/bullying!
It's not nice. We need
to respect one another!
❆ AT LEAST three lines
per post. Need to keep the
story going!
❆ MAKE SURE you fill
out the form completely!
Detail is important.
❆ BE LITERATE. This one
speaks for itself. No 'john
seen Bessie and said 'hi
are u ok'.
❆ HAVE FUN! That's the
main thing! :D
~Character form~
Wish they made:
I will be appointing soul mates. No
one can make their own soul mate-
that's just unfair.
Personality:She is A Nice,Cheerful,Hard Wokring n Trustworthy person if u r upset she can find a way to help
History:Was born with no mom or dad so has been working had n trying to over come things blocking her from her goal.She always wanted to see her parents.Was adopt in a rich family as a maid and child she had to do everthing herself.When she came to high school she made alot of friends that helped her lot she helped them too when they r in a pitch.She is trustworthy there will be no chance of her not.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made:To see parents and have someone important
Other:-find my soul mate and return to the figure so I can have my wish granted
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid, but has a temper
Looks: Here
History: She was born blind, so she was naturally careful and scared easily. Nagisa had a younger sister, but she died from sickness and left her depressed. She'll hardly open up to anyone anymore after the loss.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Wish they made: To be noticed by someone
Name: Len
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and bold. He'll remain loyal to whoever he trusts

History: His family died from a fire so he lived alone for a while. Len had a few friends, but they ended up leaving him. It's hard to earn his trust, but he will remain loyal to them.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To live in peace
Name: Valencia Ulma
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Valencia is a bubbly, loud girl who enjoys socialising wherever she goes.
She is rather friendly, but she is quick-tempered, and holds grudges to no end.
She is sensitive when it comes to her positions being touched, and isn't very fond of
physical touching either.
If Valencia has a friend, she will do anything and everything for that person, and is loyal until the very end- a good attribute to have.

Valencia has bright purple hair, and sky blue eyes, with a fair complexion, light freckles dusted over the bridge of her nose. She is petite in form, and has a lithe figure.
History: Born premature, Valencia has had several complications with her organs, mainly her heart. She has a pacemaker, and finds it hard to do normal activities that involve excess exercise. Her family is practically non-existent, as her mother left her father when Valencia was just days old, and was raised by her mother- who is now in jail. Her father pays for all her hospital funds, but that's it. He doesn't want anything to do with Valencia.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wish they made: Valencia wished that she was able to have a decent heart.
Other: -
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: shy when you first meet her, but when you get to know her and she likes you she opens up. She is thoughtful and can be adventurous.
History: She had to change school very often, because she was always bullied and her parents were almost always away for their work business. That way she never really had any friends except herself.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To never be bullied again
Other: ^w^
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Sean isn't the most confident of people, he tends to underestimate himself frequently and has a habit of quitting things too easily. The lad isn't one to argue much either and usually simply backs off whenever a conflict is thrown at his way. He just swallows down his opinions and any insults thrown at him without even putting up a fight. His self-worth is practically nonexistent.
However, despite the rather pitiful truth, Sean comes off as uncaring, lazy and selfish upon first glance. He seems to be quite easy-going and doesn't usually think things through rationally. The boy can also be quite 'slow', so to speak, and even as dumb as a rock way too often.
Sean stands at 5'8'' with a fairly lean body, little muscle, and rather pale skin. He doesn't come off as particularly threatening with his usual relaxed or lazy posture. The lad has dark brown eyes, that tend to look black in the right lighting, and his hair is naturally blonde but he dyes the sides of his head black. Sean usually tends to wear black or otherwise dark colored clothes.
History: Sean's early childhood was normal to say the least. He was the second child of a happily married couple living on a peaceful rural area. He had a loving family and friends he could play with. The existence of those friends turned out to be unfortunate in a way. On a fateful Friday during the winter, one of Sean's friends invited him to a sleepover. Everything went great and the kid was having fun until the evening rolled on, it got dark and it was time to go to bed. Homesickness set in and Sean called his parents to come pick him up. It was snowing and the road was slippery, his mother lost the control of the car which crashed into a large tree and ended up upside down in a ditch. Sean's mother died at the crash site and his father passed away the next day in a hospital.
The two kids were put under their uncle's care after that. Needing an outlet for her anger, Sean's older sister, Katherine, blamed his brother for what had happened and the relationship between the two quickly became toxic for the younger one. Sean started blaming himself as well regardless of his uncle's attempts to convince him otherwise. Katherine realized the error in her behavior few years later and she tried to set things right between herself and her little brother again but the preteen understandably wasn't really cooperating with her. The two haven't really been in speaking terms from that point onward.
Sean contemplated killing himself for what he had caused when the angsty teenage years rolled into his life but one more death would fix nothing. So the boy reluctantly accepted the fact that he couldn't right his wrongs. The only way his parents would come back to life was if he had never went to that sleepover. If he had never existed, his parents would be alive. Too bad wiping oneself from existence wasn't possible, right? However, when he heard of this 'wish', Sean figured it wouldn't hurt to try.
Sexuality: Pan-romantic asexual
Wish they made: "I wish I was never born..."
-Has a habit of scratching the side of his head when he's nervous or confused.
-Sways on his feet when he's bored.
-Really loves berries above all else, especially raspberries.
-Not a fan of hot or really spicy food.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She is very sarcastic and impatient, but also brave and loyal. She loves adventure and often tends to wander off or get ideas to. She can be snappy though, but when she knows she can trust someone she is surprisingly kind and generous.

History: Her parents abused her as a child. She was constantly bullied and forced to do things and work for little in return. From this, she has grown untrusting of others and takes a long time to get used to someone.
Sexualty: Straight
Wish they made: To be free and away from everyone's insults and cruelty
Other: She loves music more than almost anything
Name: Blake
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind of like Iris, he is sarcastic, brave, and loyal to many. Though he is more calm, patient, and caring of others. He likes to keep to himself sometimes, and other times can be dishonest or careless.

History: His mother was murdered when he was little, so his father was torn apart and could barely take care of him and his sister. They became poor after his dad lost his job because he couldn't think straight anymore, so he rarely spent time with others and stayed alone most of the time after his life suddenly collapsed on him.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To see his mother again and restore what was lost from his family
Fenny | Female | 17 - Len | Male | 18
Nagisa | Female | 17 - Valencia | Female | 17
Noire | Female | 17 - Blake | Male | 18
Iris | Female | 17 - Lukas | Male | 19
I will write these down so that if you forget, I can remind you. Shoot me a PM if you do forget. Thank you!))
Name: Lukas Phemia
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Lukas is silent, anti-social young man a with a tendency to 'jump to conclusions'.
He is cautious and wary of those around him, and has trouble communicating with people- giving him the impression of a 'snob'. He is kind at heart, but mostly to animals. He couldn't care less about people. He has a thrill-seeking attitude, however, clashing with his 'I cannot stand people' attitude. He enjoys mainly dangerous things, and only looks out for himself.

History: Lukas was adopted. His parents made no attempt to hide that from him. He lived in a small, run-down neighbourhood, where robbings were a daily occurrence. His family moved to a higher up suburb without him, practically telling him 'he belonged with the scum'. So, Lukas lived on the streets. He robbed, formed a gang, got into fights, and went to jail more than once. He hated all this though, and wanted a way out. But, alas, he never found one. Thus why he wished.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To have a home.
Name: Chrissie
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Personality: Very clumsy, but sweet and gold-hearted. She has a short temper.

History: She was a normal girl until she started lying. She lied so much, she can't tell if it was the truth or not.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To show someone the true her. She pains to do it, but it must be done.
Name: Linnea
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Basically a deredere (Sweet on the inside and outside)

History: She was bullied and abused by her parents when she was young. Linnea never told anyone, but it didn't matter. She was always sweet and would help anyone in need. She secretly suffers, but she can't let anyone know.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To actually have a purpose in life
Soul mates are as following;
Fenny | Female | 17 - Len | Male | 18
Nagisa | Female | 17 - Valencia | Female | 17
Noire | Female | 17 - Blake | Male | 18
Iris | Female | 17 - Lukas | Male | 19
Sean | Male | 18 - Linnea | Female | 17
Chrissie | Female | 12 - Giorgos | Male | 13
Remember, please tell me if you forget who your character is soulmates with! I will have them written down. You should too~))
Valencia awoke, her hair messy and unkept. What had happened? She looked around, blinking owlishly. "H-hello?" she called, her loud voice now soft and unsure.
She stood up, to be greeted with snow beneath her. Snow... she was outside. "This isn't funny!" she called out, louder this time. She brushed the white crystals off of her blue duffle coat and started to gingerly walk aong the snow covered road.
Lukas grumbled to himself, kicking the stray pebbles on the road. "At least it's better than prison..." he muttered, flipping his fringe out of his pale face. He cast his eyes on a shadow ahead, blurred by the constant flow of snow. "Oi!" he called out, his English accent strong. "Did you do this to me?!" he glared at the figure, storming up with heavy footsteps.
((Both are open))
Blake stood on the side of the road with his hands buried in his pockets. The cold wind stung his face as he wandered down the road slowly. He gritted his teeth in anxiety and a longing to leave. "If this is a prank, Lina, you're dead." He hissed under his breath.
(Lina is his sibling)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Is caring and will stay loyal to anyone she deems a friend becoming a tiny bit possessive which tends to drive friends away, She tends to be awkward around people she is close too as she is bad at expressing how she feels
History: As a baby she was given to her aunt because her mother died from a disease a month after she was born and her father did not know she existed so her aunt was the only option. Fubuki lived her life hearing about how her mother was such a wonderful person, she had come to love her aunt as a mother figure and loved how independent she was doing exactly what she wanted to do, travel. Fubuki was homeschooled because her Aunt thought it was too much of a burden to change schools almost every other month. When fubuki was 16 her aunt got the same sickness as her mother, so Fubuki ran away not wanting to feel the pain.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Wish they made: Fubuki wished for a normal life

''Everything is Okay!''
(I'll be gone 'till about 10 'o clock due to school reasons :( )