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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 00:15 (9 Years ago)
Lukas spun back around, his attention now directed towards Elaine again, who was about to fall. He muttered a curse under his breath before running underneath her and holding his arms out. "You may not trust me, but jump into my arms. You 'on't get 'urt, I pormise." he said softly, bad boy act gone.

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 00:10 (9 Years ago)
"Look at this. Being talked down by a little girl." Lukas snorted, tilting his head up. "Well, missy, 'ow would I know? Where I come from, that's what locals do. They play around in the streets." he retorted in a clipped tone. "Every place is different." he flicked his fringe away once more. He hadn't noticed the branch about to break. "Well, I'll be taking my leave." he uttered, spinning on his heel and walking away.

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 00:01 (9 Years ago)
Lukas glared. "If you weren't doing anything, you wouldn't be 'iding like you are now." he paused, thinking. "Are you a local 'ere?" he asked, a little more friendlier this time. "Because I 'ave no idea 'ow I got 'ere and where exactly this place is." he folded his arms across his chest once more, and looked up at the girl. "Well?" he asked, waiting for an answer.
Lukas then saw Blake, and jumped at his loud voice. "I 'ave no idea." he muttered, a little more angrily than planned. "I was 'oping this girl 'ere would give me answers, but she isn't co-operating." he explained. Great. He looked like the bad guy again.

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 23:57 (9 Years ago)

I'm in Home Ec now.

I finally got a Glaceon on PH, through an Auction.
I don't know what to name him... I need ideas.

I still have no shiny Ponyta on AS, my chain is 203 so far.
My Pokedex is at 511, and I need to evolve multiple Pokemon. I hate evolving.
I might challenge the Elite 4 again idk (That would be the 5th time)
Hatching eggs really bores me but it's worth it.
So worth it.

I'm playing Animal Crossing rn
Marcel is my main man
Hans is weird af

Well, I have nothing else to say so ye


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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 23:47 (9 Years ago)
((Sorry I haven't been on. School is tough ;n; ))

Valencia shook her head. "I don't know either..." she sighed again, a little more stable than before. "Where are you heading to? And do you life here?" she asked, a little more confident now. Her blue eyes flashed a sign of trust now, happy to have company not willing to hurt her.


As soon as the wind died down, Lukas looked up to see a few other humans gathered at the sillhouette. A wry smirk appeared on his face as he stood up and decided to walk over to the small group. A sound of rustling leaves made him look up at the tree above. "'Ey, what do you think you're doing?" he asked the small figure, folding his arms.

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 02:07 (9 Years ago)
"Woah what--
Who the-
When the-"

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 02:04 (9 Years ago)
((It's completely up to you, if you think you can handle two characters! ^w^

And I believe so, but they don't know that yet. They will find their soul mate somehow, and I will tell you how when we get to the cobblestone well. Plot~))

Valencia jumped in surprise, not expecting a person. She shook violently, from both cold and fear. "Do... do you know why we're h-here?" she asked softly, a little shakily. Her blue eyes searched the other girl's, as she waited patiently for the answer. Valencia feared the worst- that she was dead, and this was just a place for the burdened souls if they weren't able to depart properly. She always believed in that sort of thing.

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 01:43 (9 Years ago)
((Both of you are accepted. I'll wait until more males are made so you guys have a soul mate~
Both Valencia and Lukas are open.))

Clutching her chest more, Valcenia's steady steps faltered as she tripped over something invisible, most likely her own feet. Her breaths became shaky as she began to panic over the slightest things. "M-my family..." she mumbled, thinking of her dear parents. Tears began to drip down her slim cheeks, as she felt the utter loneliness fall upon her shoulders. The freezing temperature made her feel numb in all parts of her body, as she stumbled her way down the road slowly, hoping, pleading someone was there to help her and explain just why she was here and alone.


Lukas' thundering footsteps filled the stagnant area, as he ran down the snow-covered tracks of the land. He tried to catch up to the shadow, which was still blurred greatly. Her bared his white teeth, grinding them roughly, as he pushed against the pain of numb toes in his thin shoes. The wind kicked up, and Lukas stopped abruptly, as the wind blinded his already poor vison. He 'tsked' at the turn of events, and slumped his shoulders, sitting down in the freshly fallen snow, giving up on the chance of catching the figure.

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 11:18 (9 Years ago)

I will post an new gif every time I post here, just so you all know.
Dank memes is my favourite character.


Today I went to school. It was boring. I played Animal Crossing all break. I have multiple assignments due. I am bad because I did not send them in on time. Bad, bad Nessa. Bad.

I drew a Sonic Gilbird on my hand and scarred a friend by telling her to eyebrow mate. That was a bad idea.

I ordered pizza at school. I claimed it was for my Home Ec open day. It wasn't. I was just hungry.

I tried to finish my Romeo and Juliet assignment. I didn't.

I emailed my teacher my science assignment.

My shiny Pokémon on my Omega Ruby game are;

Shiny Umbreon
Shiny Glaceon
Shiny Vaporeon
Shiny Zorua
Shiny Whimsicott
Shiny Gengar
Shiny Octillery
Shiny Tentacruel
Shiny Talonflame
Shiny Dragonite
Shiny Scolipede
Shiny Deoxys
Shiny Terrakion
Shiny Ditto
Shiny Mew

I am currently shiny hunting a Ponyta.

On Pokeheroes;
I just want an Umbreon.

Welp, that's that update done.


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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 10:40 (9 Years ago)

I shall record my daily findings on PH, my daily findings in general, and everything in between.
I may also post stuff regarding my other games, online and on various consoles, and stuff regarding my roleplays (which I have many of. Not on here, of course!)

So, a little info on me;

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My full name is Vanessa Louise Oberngruber
I live in Australia, but my father is Austrian.
Chickens and birds are my favourite animals
I like all animals--
I'm an avid reader/writer/sketcher
I rarely use digital programs to do any of my artwork
I have one dog, a beautiful Border Collie named Hailee and 10 chickens;

My favourite colours are red, purple and blue

My favourite Pokémon are Umbreon, Zorua, Absol, Whimsicott and Glaceon.

My favourite game series are Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, Dangan Ronpa and Legend of Zelda.

My favourite countries are Austria, Russia and Canada. (NOT Hetalia countries, actual countries.)

My favourite breeds of dog are Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, German Shepherds, Border Collies and Golden Retrievers.

My favourite chicken breeds are Silkies, Frizzles, Orpingtons, Isa Browns and Sussex.

My favourite animes are AOT/SNK, Tokyo Ghoul, Hetalia, Black Butler and Selling Houses Australia.

My favourite TV show is Steven Universe.

I love anything to do with the Victorian Era

Aaaaaaand I love sauerkraut.

I'll update this later... yeah...

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 09:56 (9 Years ago)
{ Okay, Fubaki and Aura are soulmates. There! We have more people now. Please, everybody jump in whenever you feel welcome.
Please, make all your characters find a cobblestone well. I don't care what you do/meet up with, please try to end up there! That's where the announcement of the plot will be made.}

Valencia clutched her chest out of habit, scared of the unknown. "Where... where is this place?!" she exclaimed, thoroughly confused as she walked down the road. "And why is it winter... when it's supposed to be summer?" she kept mumbling to herself, strolling down the road. She looked around for houses but found none, and sighed. "Why am I even here?"


Lukas was peeved. "'Ey! Answer me!" he yelled, the figure still in the distance. It was as if it was running away. He stopped walking, and watched it. Was it even moving? "This whole place is weird..." he growled, running a stressed hand through his dark locks. "I'm in a dream. Yes, that's it." he mumbled, going to pinch himself.

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 04:54 (9 Years ago)
((Okay! So, thanks to you lovely people, we have enough to start!

Soul mates are as following;

Fenny | Female | 17 - Len | Male | 18

Nagisa | Female | 17 - Valencia | Female | 17

Noire | Female | 17 - Blake | Male | 18

Iris | Female | 17 - Lukas | Male | 19

Sean | Male | 18 - Linnea | Female | 17

Chrissie | Female | 12 - Giorgos | Male | 13

Remember, please tell me if you forget who your character is soulmates with! I will have them written down. You should too~))

Valencia awoke, her hair messy and unkept. What had happened? She looked around, blinking owlishly. "H-hello?" she called, her loud voice now soft and unsure.
She stood up, to be greeted with snow beneath her. Snow... she was outside. "This isn't funny!" she called out, louder this time. She brushed the white crystals off of her blue duffle coat and started to gingerly walk aong the snow covered road.


Lukas grumbled to himself, kicking the stray pebbles on the road. "At least it's better than prison..." he muttered, flipping his fringe out of his pale face. He cast his eyes on a shadow ahead, blurred by the constant flow of snow. "Oi!" he called out, his English accent strong. "Did you do this to me?!" he glared at the figure, storming up with heavy footsteps.

((Both are open))

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 07:35 (9 Years ago)
((Ah! Sorry about that... Sean was going to be with Nagisa, but I wanted there to be at least one same-gender soulmate, y'know? :3
Hopefully someone else will come along and sign up. If not, I'll make another character~ ))

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)
((Okay! So, my last form, and then we can start. The soul mates are as following;

Fenny | Female | 17 - Len | Male | 18

Nagisa | Female | 17 - Valencia | Female | 17

Noire | Female | 17 - Blake | Male | 18

Iris | Female | 17 - Lukas | Male | 19

I will write these down so that if you forget, I can remind you. Shoot me a PM if you do forget. Thank you!))

Name: Lukas Phemia
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Lukas is silent, anti-social young man a with a tendency to 'jump to conclusions'.
He is cautious and wary of those around him, and has trouble communicating with people- giving him the impression of a 'snob'. He is kind at heart, but mostly to animals. He couldn't care less about people. He has a thrill-seeking attitude, however, clashing with his 'I cannot stand people' attitude. He enjoys mainly dangerous things, and only looks out for himself.
History: Lukas was adopted. His parents made no attempt to hide that from him. He lived in a small, run-down neighbourhood, where robbings were a daily occurrence. His family moved to a higher up suburb without him, practically telling him 'he belonged with the scum'. So, Lukas lived on the streets. He robbed, formed a gang, got into fights, and went to jail more than once. He hated all this though, and wanted a way out. But, alas, he never found one. Thus why he wished.
Sexuality: Straight
Wish they made: To have a home.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 07:04 (9 Years ago)
((Beautiful form! Accepted, and thank you. Once I get time to create my other character, we shall start. I will also inform everyone on soulmates and what not before we start, so please remember who I pair your character with, as this is crucial to the plot!))

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 11:21 (9 Years ago)
((Accepted. However, we need more males. I will make a male character, but that won't cut it. Thank you for signing up, though!))

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 08:08 (9 Years ago)
((Both are accepted! Thank you.))

Name: Valencia Ulma
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Valencia is a bubbly, loud girl who enjoys socialising wherever she goes.
She is rather friendly, but she is quick-tempered, and holds grudges to no end.
She is sensitive when it comes to her positions being touched, and isn't very fond of
physical touching either.
If Valencia has a friend, she will do anything and everything for that person, and is loyal until the very end- a good attribute to have.
Valencia has bright purple hair, and sky blue eyes, with a fair complexion, light freckles dusted over the bridge of her nose. She is petite in form, and has a lithe figure.
History: Born premature, Valencia has had several complications with her organs, mainly her heart. She has a pacemaker, and finds it hard to do normal activities that involve excess exercise. Her family is practically non-existent, as her mother left her father when Valencia was just days old, and was raised by her mother- who is now in jail. Her father pays for all her hospital funds, but that's it. He doesn't want anything to do with Valencia.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wish they made: Valencia wished that she was able to have a decent heart.
Other: -

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 11:43 (9 Years ago)
A wish. That's all it was. You never really
believed in those things, but you decided
to give this 'new' theory a try. You close
your eyes, light a candle, and put out
the flame with a single tear. Simple
enough, right? You wish... and you open
your eyes. Surprised, you look around.
Where is this place? Why are you here?
What brought you to this lone winter land?


A lone hooded figure comes to you.
"Your wish may be granted. In return,
you must find your soul mate.
However, you must choose between
your soul mate, and your wish."

The hooded figure leaves. You are
conflicted. The love that you so dearly
long for? Or your wish, something
that means more than anything you
can think of?
It's your decision. Your fate lies
within your hands for once.


You have three choices;
find out what sent you here
and why,
find your soul mate for love,
or find your soul mate and
return to the figure so you can
have your wish granted.
Which do you choose?



❆ NO flawless characters.
We all have our quirks!

❆ NO fighting/bullying!
It's not nice. We need
to respect one another!

❆ AT LEAST three lines
per post. Need to keep the
story going!

❆ MAKE SURE you fill
out the form completely!
Detail is important.

❆ BE LITERATE. This one
speaks for itself. No 'john
seen Bessie and said 'hi
are u ok'.

❆ HAVE FUN! That's the
main thing! :D


~Character form~

Wish they made:


I will be appointing soul mates. No
one can make their own soul mate-
that's just unfair.

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Posted: Tue, 19/05/2015 04:33 (9 Years ago)
((May I join?))

Name: Korumi
Gender: Female
Level: 48
Species of Pokemon: Whimsicott
Appearance: Korumi has two different coloured eyes- a birth defect. Her cotton is a light blue, almost white.
Good/Evil: Good. (Though, could turn evil.)

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