Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Highlighted!I suggest to make the pokemon in the box become highlighted if they are in the Battle Team, Salon, Daycare, Route 53, GTS, Wonder Trade, Auction House, or Rumble Area. Like this -

Each color represents a location like -
Red for Battle Team,
Orange for Rumble Area,
Yellow for Salon,
Green for Route 53 (Moomoo Ranch and Honeycombs),
Blue for Wonder Trade (Shiny and Normal),
Indigo for GTS (Trades and Offer),
Purple / Violet for Auction House.
Well, the colors will be depend to the coder.
Well as Crysticia suggested, one way to tell if the pokemon is busy is by highlighting it, the other way is telling it in its information if the pokemon is busy like this-

Here are the possible abbreviations:
Battle Team - B
Salon - S
Daycare - D
Honeycombs - H
Moomoo Ranch - M
Trades - T
Offer - O
Wonder Trade - W
Auction - A
Rumble Mission - R
(Same as what Crysticia said)
A way to make it work can be with a little asterisk or something, next to the sprite. Or maybe when you click the pokemon, in the details, you could see if it's busy and what is it doing.
But if it is to complicated to realize, than I would agree with Gaspoo.
Maybe with an abbreviation behind the name like:
(H) Honeycombs
(M) Moomoo Ranch
(T) Trade
(O) Offer
(A) Auction House
(R) Rumble Mission
(S) Salon
(B) Battle Team
I think this will be easier to realize. Oke, you already have to click the Poke, if you want to know, it is free or busy, but I think, it would help too.
Other than that, I support this suggestion fully!

One thing though, I'm pretty sure Pokemon in the Daycare don't show up in your storage boxes at all. They're not in storage- they're in the Daycare. So that one wouldn't be an issue. :)