Forum Thread
Tune and Calis Breeding Madness
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Tune and Calis Breeding MadnessNeed an Event Pokémon for your Dex? Like a certain Event poké more and want to start a hoard or need a different OT for a hunt? This is the place! I can breed every breedable Event!
I am currently open but I am also trying to get Arceus eggs for myself. If you are ordering you will have to wait until I got one egg before I start your order.

* Be polite
* Don´t rush me, sometimes eggs just don´t show up
* All PH Rules apply
* Don´t request more than 2 Events at once, its a mess to sort out requests with too many requests.
* Tune only accepts around 6 - 7 requests per shiny hunt, otherwise the hunts would drag on for too long. Depending on the EHP and Rarity she might consider even less spots.
* Password: Did you read the rules? (Changed 22.07.16 at 20:23 pm)
* If you don´t offer on your hatched Event I´m going to give it to the next user that requested it, otherwise you need to contact me before I put it up again
* When your event has hatched and you offered on the trade AND send over the money when offering you are going to get the pokemon you wanted, its to prevent scamming
* Subscribing would be a wise decision since I am going to post here when your event is ready.
* Nugget orders ALWAYS have priority over the other orders. Meaning I am going to do them first. I am still going to finish the current order before I start on a nugget order that came in later.
* Don´t rush me, sometimes eggs just don´t show up
* All PH Rules apply
* Don´t request more than 2 Events at once, its a mess to sort out requests with too many requests.
* Tune only accepts around 6 - 7 requests per shiny hunt, otherwise the hunts would drag on for too long. Depending on the EHP and Rarity she might consider even less spots.
* Password: Did you read the rules? (Changed 22.07.16 at 20:23 pm)
* If you don´t offer on your hatched Event I´m going to give it to the next user that requested it, otherwise you need to contact me before I put it up again
* When your event has hatched and you offered on the trade AND send over the money when offering you are going to get the pokemon you wanted, its to prevent scamming
* Subscribing would be a wise decision since I am going to post here when your event is ready.
* Nugget orders ALWAYS have priority over the other orders. Meaning I am going to do them first. I am still going to finish the current order before I start on a nugget order that came in later.
*Common Events: 15k pd
*Uncommon Events: 18k pd
*Rare Events: 23k pd
*Rare Gender: Additional 2 - 4k pd
*Unowns: 10k pd
*Retros: 7k - 15k pd (depending on which one you want to buy)
*You can also pay in Nuggets (1 Nugget is worth 1,500 PD, please to the math beforehand and keep in mind that you need to order Events for at least a worth of 50 Nuggets)
Already hatched Events I´m selling
Request form:

[ b]Event you want to request[/b]
[ b]Gender (optional)[/b]
[ b]Payment[/b]
[ b]Password[/b]
[ b]Shiny you want to request[/b]
[ b]Gender (optional)[/b]
[ b]Payment[/b]
[ b]Password[/b]
[ b]Gender (optional)[/b]
[ b]Payment[/b]
[ b]Password[/b]
[ b]Shiny you want to request[/b]
[ b]Gender (optional)[/b]
[ b]Payment[/b]
[ b]Password[/b]
I’m breeding shinies for you if you’d like some, have a shiny you want but already on a hunt or a long chain and you wanna break it to do something else? NO problem! That’s why I‘m here ;3
Rules are mainly the same as Cali’s, I do not accept pre-payments and I do not accept trades untill the money is sent. Request form is the same, just change ’Event‘ to ‘Shiny‘
I cannot hunt anything Genderless right now.
If you want a shiny event pokémon, Pal Pad me to discuss price. I most likely will not do a shiny event hunt but it is possible if the price is right.
Current Shiny Hunt –

Upcoming Hunts:
* Cacnea
If you’d like a spot on any of the upcoming hunts just make a request here!
I’m accepting payments in form of PD and/or Gems (Fire, Ghost, Bug & Dragon).
For the upcoming Dunsparce hunt I am mainly looking for Rubies/Terra Cave Maps but the other payments still apply.
Prices for the rarities are:
Easy – 200,000 PD or 70 Gems
Medium – 250,000 PD or 100 Gems
Hard – 300,000 PD or 150 Gems
Starter – 370,000 PD or 200 Gems
Special – 350,000 – 400,000 PD or 250 Gems <- Depending on the EHP of the pokémon.
A Combination of PD & Gems is possible as well, don't be afraid to discuss the price c:
People who have ordered:
Event you want to request Catercream, Autumn Abra, Snowling (for now, gonna order much more later on mwahaha . w.)
Gender (optional) Doesn't matter really. I'm fine with either
Password Autumn

Click here for more info

Also please subscribe to the thread so you can actually see when your event has hatched since I´m going to post it here.
You want to offer a dragon gem instead of paying pd for the events? If yes should I hold onto them until I have all (which will take a while since eventeggs are rare and others ordered too).
Autumn Abra for Thunder_Jake
[Breeding update]
Currently hatching Blossomly for megagardevoir and breeding Satichu for Ange and markiplier.
After that Cuddlithe for megaguardevoir.
Please also take note that I´m not going to be in Germany from 29.06.15 until 04.07.15, so I´m not going to be active in that time period. Breeding might be put on hold then, sorry for the inconvience.

Click here for more info

Currently breeding the last event for markiplier for his order and then a Snowling for Tune. After that I might open up again if I don´t decide to hunt that shiny that I promised a friend.

Click here for more info