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Darkness's Forest (Harry Potter RP) ~Open and Accepting
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Darkness's Forest (Harry Potter RP) ~Open and AcceptingHishi woke up to Leah's muffled roaring. "Hm..?" She asked sleepily. She looked around and saw Leah in a cage, a muzzle over her mouth. "LEAH!!" Not caring whether she was dressed or not, Hishi got out of bed and ran to Leah (don't worry she's in her nightgown XD). She immedeatly looked for something to pick the lock on the cage, but when she found a key, she noticed the cage was enchanted, sealed shut unless a counter-curse was used. "ALOHAMORA!! ALOHAMORA!!" She was shouting, quietly as she could. She soon (finally) got the lock to open and she forced the muzzle off of Leah's mouth. Unfortunately, this caused A LOT of racket and all the other Ravenclaw's (even the boys) woke up and went down to the common room. They searched everywhere for the sign of the racket, while Ayali remained fast asleep (she's a big dreamer) and her Pygmy owl was also sleeping soundly, occasionally hooting. Hishi scrambled like mad to put Leah away somewhere, and ended up stuffing her in her trunk, reassuring Leah. "It's gonna be ok-" A mad Ravenclaw burst into the room. It was the prefect. Luckily, she didn't see Leah. "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!?!?" Screamed the Prefect. "AAH! Lily, I SWEAR, nothing happened here! I was woken up too, I just was to sleepy to go downstairs!!" Hishi hoped she had convinced Lily. "Oh, alright." Said Lily, still very pissed.
Analia yawned and sat up in her bed, she felt something hard under her head and (she forgot about the egg) picked up her pillow. then she remembered all of last night, now that she thought about it she also remembered seeing two shadows running across the quartyard to hagrid's hut that she had overlooked in her haste. she shrugged to herself and stroked the egg. a low rumbling sound came out of it that sounded like purring. it was very muffled though.
cona woke up to see her roommate playing with Felix. she got up and handed her a tree to give him.
Blake woke up and sat up yawning, waking up Night. "Mornin'." He sighed just as Brian woke up.
Analia took the egg and shoved it in her pocket not wanting to loose it. she shoved on all her robes and headed out the door with her wand tucked behind her ear. she then walked out the door and into the common room then too the main/dining hall and waited by the door for clover, hishi, ella, and cona. she knew she wouldn't be able to sit by them but it would still be nice to share a quick word. hiyori hesitated for a moment before Analia motioned her to leave without her.
cona realized she should be getting dressed and slipped into all her robes then grabbed her wand a cute little bag to carry felix in that he could poke his head out of. she headed to the dining/main hall with
Blake got up and got ready to go to the main hall.
Hishi sighed in relief as Lily left the room. She heard her faint voice. "Ravenclaws! Time to head down for brekfast!" Hishi motioned Leah to stay, and went down to join everyone to go to brekfast.
cona walked to the dining hall with a bunch of second year hufflepuffs surrounding her commenting on how cute felix was. she liked being around all these people who liked her.

Name: Hiyori Iki
Age: 11
Year: (must be one) 1
Hoped house (the one you want to be In): Slytherin
Wand:ceder w/ unicorn hair core
Pet(optional): a cat named Naji (namie) female and a kitten
Personality: can be shy, still brave, loyal, and very vicious when you get on her bad side or mess with her friends.
Favorite magical creature: doesn't have one but if she had to choose it would be a sphinx
Studying to be animagus?: wants to be a cat but can only get the tail done and it's always transparent and pink.
(like so)
Student or Teacher?: student
Best Subject: care for magical creatures (DAtDA is also high up there along w/ potions)
Worst Subject: muggle studies
Muggle-born, Half-blood or Pure-blood?: Half-Blood
Parseltongue?: nupe
Other: Analia's roommate
Ella realized she had to go in and sighed in disappointment. "It's disappointing we don't have the same house, huh?"
Analia watched as clover, hishi, and ella walked strait past her in to the dining room without a word to her. she was slightly annoyed. she grumped into the room scowling and plopped into the seat hiyori had saved her (that doesn't count as rping her yet she's Analia's roommate) and started to eat. yet again the food had some sort of effect on her causing her to brighten up. Harvey flew to her with a newspaper in his talons, it was plopped infront of her and it read "the daily profit" with a letter attached to it, it said, "send us your form to start getting the daily profit" with two boxes labeled yes and no. she checked the yes box and gave Harvey some coins to take back to the company along with the form. he came back in two minutes tops with a thankyou note in his beak. he landed on Analia's shoulder and she gave him a treat. then she said "stick around for awhile" so he stayed.
cona shoveled food onto her plate and practically inhaled it. she put felix on the table and a miniature plate popped out of nowhere for him to eat off of, he seemed to understand what to do with it and gathered a bunch of fruits and veggies onto it and dug in.
Analia gave Harvey more treats but then a miniature plate appeared for him and her randomly picked up some food and put it on there claiming it. he ate it piece by peace until he was stuffed and fell asleep.
felix and cona are eating their food a million miles an hour....
Hishi went to a seat where Pitch was sitting. He flew up from the table and plopped the note for signing up to get the daily profit and checked "yes" on that box. She gave Pitch 2 Knuts (that's normal payment, people.) and sent him off. She couldn't stop wondering about Leah, but just took some bacon and eggs and started eating.
hiyori pulls her cat (I just realized I didn't post a picture of the cat, I will do that in a spoiler real quick then add it to the form) and stroked her. Analia reached over and scratched it behind the ears. Harvey was still asleep next to his cleaned plate.
cona was finally full but felix was still at it. he eventually finished too but that was probably because all the food vanished as Hermione started anouncements