(Blake's alone XD)
Ella shrugged and sat down. "Er... I'm Ella, you are...?" She said
awkwardly, slowly pulling out the small book she had snuck out of
the house. It was a book her mom didn't want her to read, but she
was doing it anyway.
"Hishi." Hishi said, blankly. The egg looked like it was glowing
stronger now-maybe it's because she was squinting the first time
she saw it glowing. (X'3)
"I think so." She said and flipped through the book to the page she
left off of. "..what house do you think you're gonna get?" She
asked, trying to make conversation.
"yah I guess, and that's a dragon egg obviously. and im
Analia. you can sit hear as long as you don't bother me when im
reading." her eyes flashed dangerously at the last part *lol* then
she started reading the thick book again. the cover read "muggle
studies" eve stuck her head back in the window and Analia pulled
out a treat, gave it to hishi and motioned to eve. then she heard
ella and sayed "ravenclaw. whole family did and im not studying up
for nothing."
(bathroom brb pretend shes ignoring everyone and reading)
(GRYFINDOR!! and back)
she takes the glowing egg and rubs it, it glows brighter and she
gives it back to hishi. "keep doing that so it'll hatch otherwise
It will be a dud.
Analia was quickly getting board with the muggle studies book
because she really didn't care. it wouldn't help her in the long
run because she wanted nothing to do with muggles in her career. so
it was pointless to her other than for getting good grades with.
what she wanted to do was go around researching magical creatures
or even become a teacher at Hogwarts for the magical creatures
class. Though she would want to be a hagrid style teacher that
showed them exciting things instead of a boring one. she would
definitely catch a baby unicorn though, they were a lot like her,
they didn't like boys and they could be mighty vicious
(hello is anyone going to post???)
Ella flipped the pages over and over and slammed the book on the
seat. "Anyone going to talk or are we playing the silent game?" She
said sarcastically, and looked out the window out of boredom. She
was eager for the train to go.
(Hai. Sorry, had to get ready for bed~ TuT)
Hishi rubbed and rubbed while saying "Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw.
Ravenclaw!! My mom was a Gryffindor (ITS SPELLED LIKE THAT SILLIES.
X3), but whatever." [BANG!] The egg boomed. There was a big crack
through it. But it was mostly sealed by a gem-like substance. (It's
not gonna hatch 'till 3rd day at hogwarts. :3)
"huh, it must be too early for it to hatch. I know we aren't
supposed to do this without a permit from the ministry but I've
already been practicing on my animigius... and I've been turning
the rats in the attic into birds and throw them out the window,
*she laughs* are you guys going to study to be an animigius?"
"Everyone wants Ravenclaw. Of course." Ella blew her short bangs
out of her face and sighed. "I am." She said, smiling crookedly.
"My dad tried to teach me how a little early, but I failed it..."
"Of course I am! I've made pretty good progress, actually. (SCREW
YOU FORM. XD) I think I'm trying to select which animal to turn
into, but right now I'm practicing on a few magical creatures. So
far, I can get s really, really, really tiny tail of a Cerberus.
That's all, though." (Nvm. :/)
"well im studing a lot with my dad helping me heh but I made a bit
of progress like getting a small nose of a wolf" she said and
smillled. flip jumped of her head and sat at the table.
(derp. derp. derp. u know what im making Analia a ********* [NOT
TELLING YOU] will palpad it to mewgon)
Anglia was starting to like the other girls. "hey hishi, are you
going to give eve the strip of jerky or not?" eve was staring
hungrily at hishi slightly annoyed