"Everyone's the same.
Everyone lies, everyone hides things.
No exceptions.
Nobody makes it through this life completely honest.
All of them equal before god"
Any clue what a female shiny Frillish is worth, I was told it's
worth more since the genders have different colors. also is it
better to leave it as frillish or evolve it?
So, does anyone here know where I might find someone who knows the
price of a shiny female frillish? I know you dont respond to price
checks if you aren't 100% sure of the value
Gender doesn't really change the value of pokemon unless it's a
rare gender. I would say a female shiny frillish is the same price
as a male shiny frillish, even with the difference.
but wouldn't is be rarer since the odds of getting it as shiny and
as that specific gender is rarer? I've seen male shiny frillish
before in parties and stuff not for sale but never seen a female
shiny frillish. I mean there are going to be users specifically
looking for female frillish due to it's difference in color from
the other gender being so drastic they'll want it for their shiny
I would've thought female pokemon and pink/purple color schemes
would always be more desireable but perhaps you are right even
though you have a 50% less chance of receiving the shiny you want
it is still probably similar value, what is a male shiny frillish
worth then?