So I think that it's so disapointing when you start hunting in tall
grass, and then You start doing other things, because many times I
forget that I was hunting x.x And it would be cool to remain with
the page opened, it's so discusting to be reloading the page (sorry
for the english)
I'm neutral to this. I experienced that if you keep the Tall Grass
open while the timer is running, it will automatically redirect you
to the page with the Grass patches when the time is up.
yes so keeping that page open or close hardly matters, because as
mirej said, to see how much time is left you have to refresh the
page everytime, but if you wait for that given time, the page
automatically reloads and shows you the tall grass. I totally agree
with mirej.
I actually never noticed that xD But I'm still supporting this
because I usually keep the tab open and get tired of waiting, and I
happen to close it a couple minutes before it's done ._.;