Forum Thread
why cant you love me? (a pokemon creepypasta)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → why cant you love me? (a pokemon creepypasta)we played with milly, fed milly, slept with milly, until we became... well.. bored. it was just the same thing over and over, so we stopped playing for a while, and I mean like for 2 days. when I got on the game the room was.. red... dripping with blood... milly was sitting in the corner of the room, covered in cuts and blood.

I clicked on no, why should I pick yes? it was creepy as heck! "so you don't love it? well why? maybe you would love the yard.." milly seemed to float to the backyard, when I walked out, there were dead pokemon, blood on the ground, and the sky was a deep red. "you must love it, or you will be dead to... and will be with me FOREVER" I cant believe what I am seeing... milly's dead looking face came onto the screen suddenly and I jumped back. "you love it don't you?"
I then clicked yes, "no you don't... I can tell by the look on your face Nicole..." HOW DID IT KNOW MY NAME? I DIDNT EVEN ENTER MY NAME! "don't look so scared, I can see into your world, now do you really love it?" I looked at milly, why is she all beat up? "yes!" I screamed, the game then turned to black, milly's bloody face, still looking but faintly there. I turned off the game and took it out of the playstation, only now the game had the picture of the dead looking sylveon on it and I could here a faint sound. "why cant you love me Nicole? you will never get rid of me..."
yes my name is Nicole
no this isn't a real game