Forum Thread
The Plates of Arceus- A Pokemon Gijinka RP {Finished}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → The Plates of Arceus- A Pokemon Gijinka RP {Finished}(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)
I am trash :<
Daphlia head downstairs to the surprise of the love doves. "Oh! Daph! How are you doing?" Said Strikairy, cheerfully. "Oh, hello Daphlia." Said Blazair, calmly. ,I'm not doing so well..." Strikairy went over to the lounge and pulled over a comfy, movable chair. Daphlia sat in it and fell asleep. (I will post the dream soon, I just want to get to Blazair to finish the post.) Blazair went over to the two and said "Daphlia, you want some cereal?" "Yeah, sure.." Replied Daphlia, weakly.
-checks upstairs-
curse: there are alot of dead life sources and since none of them are claiming this mansion i'll make it my shelter.
Strikairy found her pokeball (she only had one team member since she was originally a Braviary, not a human, his name is Justice, and he's a shiny Braviary. This is the first time Strikairy had seen anything like a pokeball.) lying on the ground. She picked it up. "What's this?" She asked Daphlia. "It's a pokeball..." And Daphlia was off, explaining how pokeballs worked and what they were like and all that stuff.
Blazair looked down to see his pokeballs on the ground (he was originally a human so he has 2 team members, his starter, Blazekick (female) and Storm (Zebstrika, male.). He cried as he picked them up. He nudged them and gave them love inside of their pokeballs.