Like the title says, it would be rather useful to have a button or
something that when clicked would give you a direct link to the
selected post. Because atm you can only get a direct link by using
the search function and .. well, let me put it like this: It's
pretty annoying. If you want to show a specific post to someone,
you either have to go like: 'here's a link of page X of thread
Y, see the post of user Z' or well yeah .. use the search
function like stated above.
Or am I just the only one using direct links pretty often? XD
I support this :'D I think at one point, it was like that when you
clicked on "Read More" when you got a subscription notification,
but now it just goes to the first page of the thread.
Maybe the button could be next to the post-editing button :p
I totally support this idea! It would be amazing to have this
feature in the "newest post" list on the Forum index so it really
brings you to the newest post instead of the first...
That would probably be a good place for a button like this.
And once you press the button it would either copy the direct link
right in the clipboard (or whatever that is called in English XD)
or show the link in a pop-up window or whatsoever.
What exactly made it hard for you to understand?
I know I often fail to describe things clearly but I actually
thought it would be kinda clear what I am talking about. x'D Or
maybe it's because I know what I wanted to say.
I understand it now, I just didn't get what you were saying at
first and had to read it a couple of times before it clicked.
Alright, let me just make sure: Let's say you wanted to direct
somebody to Mirej's post on here, you're suggestion is to have a
link that can let you do that?