Level 25 dragons go for around 160k-250k when NOT stoned and 300k+
if fully stoned. (The price lowers if the dragons in question have
been bred, because nobody likes previously bred permadragons)
According to the chart that Kurumi sent you earlier, getting your
dragons from level 12 to 25 would cost you 270k treasure.
How much do you think I should sell this for? His brothers and
sisters all sold for 100 Gems until his nest-mate brother who sold
for 500. Now I'm wondering if I underprice myself..
I would say that 300 gems is a bit too much, 100-150 would be more
reasonable for his genes. HOWEVER, someone may still buy him for
300 if they really like him. Or contact you to haggle, ya know.
I spent roughly the last 4 hours (breaks included, so realistically
more like 2.5 hours) grinding the new coli venue: