I can't decide if i should move to Wind or Nature, or stay in
Lightning >< Wind/Nature seems very peaceful/nice, i don't think i have heard
any drama/bad things about these flights :o
Wind! We will ALL welcome you <333 There is no drama in Wind
from what I've heard, and we're very peaceful, you can talk about
anything in our forums as long as they follow the rules and someone
will answer it! If you reach a goal, we'll all congratulate you, if
you have a bad day, we'll support you <3~ If it helps, I don't
think our forums are slow. I mean, there's not a post every second,
but there is one every 10 minutes or so?
darnit... ;-; i'm running out of food faster and faster every day.
exalting unnamed dragons in my lair if no one wants them by reset
(pm me if you do want one or send a crossroad, i'll accept almost
I've never encountered drama in Shadow flight :3 We're all just a
bunch if fun cookies <3 Bring an umbrella, though. Droolmama
visits get a little messy
When I first saw your Coatl I instantly though "What skin does this
thing have? Whatever skin it is, I need to get one of them now!"
and then it was just iri/shim/thyl.
The midnight shimmer and steel thylacine work amazing together *o*