Forum Thread
request and comments for My pokemon story
Forum-Index → Diaries → request and comments for My pokemon story1. Did you read my pokemon story? how do u like it? -
2. Any suggestions for the story? -
3. Any help you can do? -
thanks. :) I will love to know your opinions and comments :)
Nature:Jolly and friendly in funny way but a being tough and serious at a time
Pokemons:Dragonair,Sylveon,Luxray,Liepard,Houndoom,Gardevoir and Pichu
Your Likes:Reading in a quiet and beatiful places and playing with my pokemons
A few words about your character:She love to battle and be friends with everyone but a little tough on villains her first pokemons is Dratini and Eevee(Sylveon) and her parents is researchers for Prof.Rowan.
Age:Base on the story for me ^u^
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = Friendly,serious
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) =Wailord,Charizard,Beedrill
4. Your Likes (eating, playing etc) =Pizza,Pokemon
5. A few words about your character =Just A Simple Powerfull Pokemon Trainer
6. your Age 15
I love using Caps
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = friendly and helping
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) =vaporeon, ninetails, milotic, rapidash, zorua and a baby eevee
4. Your Likes (eating, playing etc) =going on adventures
5. A few words about your character = she's a little hotheaded but really nice, she had a sad past but hides it with a smile
6. your Age (you can choose)
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = Jolly, Stubborn
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) = Zoura, Zourwark, piplup, and a swellow
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world = Walking around towns and adventuring
5. A few words about your character = She loves catching pokemon and puting the data in her pokedex.
6. your Age (10 to 40) = 11
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = jolly and loves to read books about artifacts
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) =garchomp(my buddy),thyplosion(my starter),Dragonair,torrtera,haxorous,raichu
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world =catching pokemon and collecting old artifacts
5. A few words about your character =Archie is a jolly young boy who loves rocks and other artifacts.he will risk his life and go anywhere to get an old artifact.
6. your Age (10 to 40) =11
7.appearance=short boy with big round glasses small nose always with a back pack full of books of rocks fossils and ancient artifacts
1. Name (story name) = Alexandra "Lexi" Kaeri
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = Funny and caring
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) = Bayleef, Houndoom, Swanna, Mothim, Lampent, Zorua
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world = Caring for wild Pokemon and writing.
5. A few words about your character = She likes to care for sick/hurt wild Pokemon then write stories about them.
6. your Age (10 to 40) = 13

"Summers and winters,
through snowy Decembers...
Sat by the water, close to the embers.
Missing out the lives that they once had before..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
Nature: Usually tough, cool, and helping, but at times can get angry and serious
Your Pokemons: Torchic, Shuppet, Jolteon, Riolu, and Altaria
What are your hobbies in pokemon world: Taking care of/training Pokemon and adventures (or in other words, she's good at venturing off into the unknown and making an adventure out of what she does)
A few words about your character: Katie is fun-loving, adventurous, and adores her Torchic who is her best friend
Age: 10
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = Very perky and kind
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) = Sylveon, Pumkaboo, Auraorus, Altaria, Dragonair, Servine
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world = Taking care of pokemon and drawing
5. A few words about your character = She already has her mind set on being the best pokemon breeder she can be. Lottie also draws in her free time.
6. your Age (10 to 40) = 14
Title: Rule
A New Caracter
Guys !! A New Character has been added as a part of our pokemon story.
Story Name = Aqua.
Pokeheroes name = Aquagirl13
Character in story = Aragon's Sis
Congratulations Aqua !! :D
2. Your Nature = ( tough,cool,serious,friendly,helping,funny,smart)
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) =(pikachu,butterfree,lucario,wailord,sharpedo,gengar
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world = to collect all pokemon and be undefeated
5. Appearance =(just like ash)
6. History (A bit more about yourself) :always dreamed of being a pokemon trainer
7. your Age (10 to 40) =18
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc) = Cool
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) = Typhlosion, Scizor, Mawile, Ampharos, Barbaracle and Luxary.
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world = Reading pokemon stories.
5. A few words about your character = Just a weak trainer wins with luck.
6. Appearance (tall,medium, big/small eyes, round nose etc) = Short height with big head, thinks twice before telling something.
7. History (A bit more about yourself) : Nothing
8. your Age (10 to 40) = 11
2. Your Nature (jolly, tough,angry,cool,serious,friendly,helping,bully,funny etc)=Friendly,serious
3. Your Pokemons (only basic pokes no legendary) = Lucario,Shiny Umbreon and an Lopunny
4. what are your hobbies in pokemon world=Spending time with buddys
5. A few words about your character=Loves credits and always wears a mask
6. Appearance (tall,medium, big/small eyes, round nose etc)=Medium with hidden little red eyes casually wearing a sweater with a heart on it and a messy short black hair.
(my avi .w.)
7. History (A bit more about yourself) :Was grown up by his sister and then decided to be a merchant
8. your Age (10 to 40) = 19
10. Did you read my pokemon story? how do u like it? - Really much
11. Any suggestions for the story? - Not yet beacuse it's already perfect
12. Any help you can do? - Maybe a few ideas
Guys !! A New Character is going to be added as a part of our pokemon story. Guess who? :P