Wait a minute i never acted smart :/ I just said i know the reason
of your negativity but still i don't want to waste time on you
,thank you shashank and yes my egg troll would have surprised you
right ;) ?
Hey There^^
My Name is Optimus :3
The Job is Crime (>.<)
Commit it to memory i am Optimus
and do you think i can be moderator and if i am moderator then i
will try to solve all indian people problems and we can chat in
hindi so problem can also be more easy to solve and if indian mod
then what the problem do fun but do not break rules who support me
raise hand up
ohh huh why people think i cant be eligible for mod if i want to i
can be in some time if i get proper support and yato already fold i
am really responsible i can get the post soon huh or next year i
can be :P
Well clearly i understand the problem of XStar it was my mistake we
had a big fight and that's why he's behaving like this and it's
totally normal...but for you i am speechless @Da-Man
Hey There^^
My Name is Optimus :3
The Job is Crime (>.<)
Commit it to memory i am Optimus