Forum Thread
Pokemon Wild [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Wild [OPEN]Rules and how to create a character
In this roleplay forum you roleplay as a pokemon (No humans) and your pokemon can talk and take on a job,they can use weapons however they still can use their pokemon moves.
And of course finally your pokemon does not have to look EXACTLY like the pokemon you are roleplaying as so they could have a couple of stripes or a darker colour.
All PH rules apply here and to talk out of character please use brackets ( ) and when your character is talking use speech marks " " and when they are doing an action don't do this *walks to tree*
[ A good example would be: "Quick,they're getting away!" he yelled,running after the group. ]
Finally,no legendaries unless you ask and You may only change your moveset upon evolving so think wisely about what you want!
Your pokemon actually has to be able to learn the moves to have them so no torchic with origin pulse or anything!
Moveset: (Maximum 8 moves)
Job: (if any)
Appearance: (either an image or a small paragraph of what they look like or perhaps both!)
Here's my application
Name: Ester
Pokemon: Kirilia (shiny)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Moveset: Calm Mind,Thief,Zen Headbutt,Protect,Ice Punch,Fire Punch,Shadow Sneak,Dazzling Gleam
Job: N/A
Pokemon: Buneary
Age: 10 years old
Gender: Female
Move Set: High jump kick, Comet Punch, Attract, Ice Punch(?),(if I can't have ice punch even if I can I'm keeping this move) Theif, Bounce(?), Drain Punch(?), Swagger (?)
Job: None yet
Appearance: Normal Buneary, except she has beige stripes on her ears and one big one on her right shoulder. She has white stripes that look like those things you wrap around your knuckles for some reason (I don't know what their called. x3) on her wrists. She is also Spruce-Tree brown. (Shiny, and I'm sorry that I can't do links or pictures. ;-;)
Moveset: healing wish, solar beam, photosynphsis, sunny day, heal pulse, dark pulse, dragon pulse and protect.
Job: healer
Appearance: a normal leafeon except her leaves are shiny.
(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)
I am trash :<
It was just becoming noon when a shiny kirilia stormed out of a small shack outside,look around he wondered where everyone was...were they still working or what?
No that can't be,some of the pokemon still didn't work,not even part time...Whatever,this area was usually not as populated any more so he decided to go to another part of the small town.
Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon
Age: 11
Gender: male
Moveset: foul play, dark pulse, bite, taunt, faint attack
Job: none
Appearance: normal shiny umbreon with red eyes