"Huh? Look, I don't like hurting my friends, no matter what
happens, I know it's dumb, but I've been through stuff." I shook my
head, pushing those thoughts away. "I'll save those for another
Flora "After i finnished singing i coulding control myself but when
i was i only could control what i was singing it's not like i had a
choice but i could see what was going on... i didn't like it but
its better then nothing right?"
What did you expect? i really have nothing else to put here
"Well, we best try to remove that dress there, it doesn't look
safe. Darkrai made it to harbor his energy within you. He might try
to come back." I decided I best use a razor leaf, might work better
than the last time.
"Okay, that's not fair..." Now the question was, how do we destroy
it? "I think we should try burying it." I dug a hole 6 feet deep,
then threw the dress inside the hole. The filled the hole back in.
And packed the dirt down tight. "There, now let's see what
(Yeah imma be kinda inactive on this to... I think it's just a bit
to noobie lvl of a rp for me... And I'm kinda not very intrested in
Dialga was siting on spear pillar, darkness sourouned her and she
I know that, but the world was saved, Darkrai's dead, it's just
like the other PMD games, nothing left to the plot after you beat
the game, maybe a little epilogue and that's it.