Forum Thread
Friends Only Polls
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Friends Only PollsTHE SUGGESTION
welll, since have many trolls in PH and all of them vote in a bad option of your poll,
you could put, before making a poll, in the side of the title of the poll will have an darker heart.
if the heart is darker, means that any person can see. if is a light heart, means that is poll for friends-only.
also, you cant see who voted in your poll sooooo....
Its true that trolls will choose the bad option of your poll but why would you write it on the option box if you don't want people to vote on the bad option? Take a 'What do you think of me' poll. It's not their fault that they chose the bad option, maybe they hate you? Who knows.
Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Please don't do it again, Sitri.
Anyways, I am neutral with this. I really don't care much of my polls unless it's an important one (though I will never make an important poll) and, it doesn't really matter. This is the internet after all. It would be nice for people who really care about the votes, and it would normal for people who don't care much about them.
Why add "bad" options in your poll if you know there will be trolls anyway? Just list all the good options and let them choose anything good, instead of adding bad ones.
I know that trolls do do that, but ya gotta deal with it. A lot of people have done it and a lot more are probably gonna do it.
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and putting things in it."
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
"Too much agreement kills a chat."
Total votes: 23
Support ratio: 26%
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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