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Forum Thread

Pokemon is eating your honey

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Pokemon is eating your honey
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 223
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 09:37 (9 Years ago)
i think route 53 need a alert that theres a pokemon eating your honey be cause i set up a alarm clock and i turn on the alarm in route 53 in 1 hour and when 1 hour ends theres no pokemon. i think route 53 need a alarm that pokemon is eating your honey
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 733
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 09:39 (9 Years ago)
Absolutely no support!
We already have alarm clocks to tell to check on the tree! So we do not need yet another alarm clock that basically does the same thing.
Also, just change the clock to 30 minutes instead of 1 hour, its that simple!

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Thu, 23/04/2015 18:42 (9 Years ago)
I can see the purpose of this... I set the alarm for 30 minutes and have to check multiple time before I have something actually eating the honey. I've put honey on the tree 4 hours before bed... no pokemon eating my honey by the time I went to bed, and of course by morning all the honey was gone.

It WOULD be nice to not have to check when there's nothing there (anything that reduces pages to open on dialup is nice lol), but I think it would defeat the purpose of the tree... if it were in real life you would actually have to check the tree... or...

I suppose a motion detector or alarm of some sort that you had to buy could work, but to keep it from being too much of an advantage it would have to have a chance of false positives or scaring them off.
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