Forum Thread
Favourite Pokemon?
Forum-Index → Discussion → Favourite Pokemon?If it has to be non-legendary... Probably Sceptile or Absol.
My fav shiny is most likely Milotic. So beautiful!
And the pokemon I would like to have would be any of those I mentioned above

Favourite Shiny... don't really have one. Mostly cause I feel like the shiny Pokemon got the lazy treatment with the majority being Green, Gold/Yellow, Purple and Blue. That being said, I like the idea of Shiny Gyarados being red like Magikarp though I continuously wish to this day that shiny Magikarp was blue.
As for what Pokemon I'd want to find, well I wouldn't be against finding a Celebi. Johto is my favourite generation and Celebi by far had the best movie of the second generation. Always wished I could have a legit one but Nintendo has deemed that little guy event only and now the only way to have one on my HG/SS is to use a action replay. Also would love to find one on here as well. That would be cool.