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Best/Most Pleasantly Surprising Moments in Pokemon

Forum-Index General Discussion Best/Most Pleasantly Surprising Moments in Pokemon
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 00:04 (11 Years ago)
Since there is a Saddest/Worst moments in pokemon I figured we should have a thread to discuss best moments as well.

Here are mine:

Leaf Green: Having begun with Charmander I had presented myself with a challenge getting through the first gym match with Brock. At this point nothing that is strong against rock is offered apart from the starters. So I went in with Charmander, Pikachu and Ratatta. Horrible team to on a Rock gym leader. Naturally Charmander and Pikachu were easily KOed and it came down to my Ratatta called Hurricane and Onix. It took time but with a combination of tail whip and quick attack Hurricane KOed Onix. I was so proud! Can you just imagine that in the anime, a tiny Ratatta KOing a huge Onix with Quick Attack! XD
Hurricane remained on my team and now as Radicate is training to take on the Elite 4 with me.
I have come to dislike my trainer name but this is a rare occasion where I value the file too much to start a new one just for that and I have a shiny Machop I found in Victory Road.

Red: In one of my many red files I was taking on Sabrina's Alakazam and my Pokemon were all KOed leaving a heavily undertrained Pikachu. I sent it out and selected one of it's attacks at random knowing and accepting that I was about to be defeated. That random attack was Seismic Toss, Alakazam was KOed and Sabrina was defeated.
Me ->

Silver: After going through hell to find my way around the freaking maze that is the whirl islands, I finally find Lugia only to realize when I am ready to attempt capture that the only ball I had on me was a single great ball. I decided to hell with finding my way back I'll just keep restarting until the great ball works. Or not, it catches on that first try. That was awesomely surprising.


* 'Electric Shock Showdown - Ash finally receives his first earned badge since Brock and Misty handed theirs to him free.
* 'Spinarak Attack' - Jesse and James finally have a decent thing going for once instead of their usually pointless and sloppy attempts (and I love how the Black Arachnid costumes made a brief reprisal in the beginning of the Chinchou episode).
* 'For Crying Out Loud' A woman actually seem to return Brock's affection. Or at least didn't freak out at his advance. He may come on very strongly but he's a good hearted guy who means well.
* The entire Larvatar arc was very well written and developed. I enjoyed it.
* Some of the most interesting episodes IMO had mysterious and in depth story lines such as 'The Ghost of Maiden's Peak' and 'Just Waiting on A Friend'.
* Hypno's Naptime: "It's a water Pokemon, Misty you take it." Though Ash may have said this purely out of finding Psyduck unappealing it was still the ONLY time he ever allowed Misty something. When it came to pokemon he actually wanted such as Togepi and Totadile he was a selfish little a**. True he's only a ten year old child but one can be raised not to be selfish by that age. There are other instances in which Ash was selfish and arrogant but the totadile duel really took the cake for me. He got EVERYTHING else, Misty was more entitled to just this one pokemon.
That entire episode is one of those interesting ones BTW.
*The deleted portion of the first film featuring Mewtwo's childhood.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 09:37 (11 Years ago)
Petting my Ivysaur on Pokemon Amie.<3
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 13:51 (11 Years ago)
My shiny Bagon in Platium! I still have him, he's awesome!
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Sun, 12/01/2014 01:43 (11 Years ago)
Running in the tall grass (Leafgreen) hoping to get to the Safari Zone without encountering any Pokemon, getting angry at finding a Pokemon, turning out to be ANOTHER shiny Bellsprout! That has to be one of the most awesome moments I've have! Also catching the golden eggs (shiny Exeggcute!) in the Safari Zone! That was so risky finding them there, but got lucky enough to capture them. I'm just glad it wasn't a Chansey, Tauros, or Kangaskan; those are near impossible to catch in the Safari Zone. >.<

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,312
Posted: Thu, 16/01/2014 17:04 (11 Years ago)
Well a while ago I started new game on Blaze Black 2 (Hack someone made from original Black 2 and White 2 games- They are rather hard and have all pokemon in them) - Anyways I wanted to have houndour in my team since I chose snivy as my starter - so while I was searching for it I found light blue..... Psyduck - yep yep yep! That duckie was shiny :3 I decided not to evolve him but keep him in my team :3

Also I remember finding shiny sceptile and shiny snorunt when I was doing randomizer nuzlockes on LeafGreen and Diamond -I never evolved snorunt but I kept him in my party - and scpetile was just a monster :3

And few days ago I started doing Randomizer nuzlocke on Blaze Black because I wanted to be active on one of the Pokemon forums again. I was doing some training with my team for second gym - when I was running around the grass I found purple magcargo - I couldn't care less about nature or ability or anything - he was mine! :3 He is still in my team at the moment- getting ready to destroy Burgh :D

I am collecting spinda plooshies OwO
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 15/09/2020 13:17 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Fri, 18/09/2020 00:42 (4 Years ago)
1. Recently, I started a Gold playthrough on rom. (I had just been doing one but I somehow skipped the 5th and 6th gyms by accident and it all got mixed up) I had just caught a gastly (named Ginger) and I was grinding it up in sprout tower, when I encountered a shiny gastly. (named Glitter) I replaced Ginger with it and am still using it at Bugsy's Gym. (Sadly its on a My Old Boy Rom so I can only use it in gens 1 and 2 and I can't trade it to a later gen to teach it the elemental punches.)

2. In Ultra Violet (Fire Red Hack) I caught Rayquaza first try with a normal pokeball. (I would definately recommend Ultra Violet as it is really cool, and there is no disruption to the main game of Fire Red but it generally improves the game.)

(P.S Glitter was my first official shiny so it was a great experience, as my other shinies were in hacks that had shiny tiles thus not being official.)