Forum Thread
[R] Grab a Ho-Oh! (FINISHED)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [R] Grab a Ho-Oh! (FINISHED)Yes, there are rules and requirements, but they are quite simple. They are as follows:
1. Trainer Level 10 or 1 month registration time. Only one of these two must be met for a valid entry. This is to help ensure that the winning user will stick around.
2. You must not already own a Ho-Oh. Be fair to those who don't have one!
One entry per person. There is no way to obtain or buy more entries. All winning opportunities are equal. If you pass the above two requirements, make a post to be assigned a ticket number. ALL entries will be checked for validity!
All valid recorded entries:

1. Bettalong
2. Rini00
3. MooMooMalk
4. Porygon_Storm
5. ~Raven~
6. DragonSumedh
7. Dokku
8. Pokemonlover28
9. Sounak
10. MegacharizardX49
11. cut3gummy4life
12. Kiraito
13. Bonica
14. Sitri
15. Staraptor
16. LucarioLand
17. Aperture-Blaze
18. vanillite1
19. mage44
20. Red~Genesect
21. Lugia
22. Tyranitar
23. SpicyPants
24. LargeExodia
25. olivierxD
26. Dakar
27. Pikablu
28. Akiru
2. Rini00
3. MooMooMalk
4. Porygon_Storm
5. ~Raven~
6. DragonSumedh
7. Dokku
8. Pokemonlover28
9. Sounak
10. MegacharizardX49
11. cut3gummy4life
12. Kiraito
13. Bonica
14. Sitri
15. Staraptor
16. LucarioLand
17. Aperture-Blaze
18. vanillite1
19. mage44
20. Red~Genesect
21. Lugia
22. Tyranitar
23. SpicyPants
24. LargeExodia
25. olivierxD
26. Dakar
27. Pikablu
28. Akiru
This raffle will end when all of the following criterion are met:
[■] The Ho-Oh egg in my party has hatched
[■] The hatched Ho-Oh is AT LEAST level 25
[■] One full day has passed since this Raffle was posted (reaching ~23:00 server time, April 16th)
The winner will be drawn via when the raffle period ends.
(If, by some freak accident or massive stroke of luck this Ho-Oh ends up being a shiny, then the raffle prize will instead be the first Ho-Oh that I hatched. Sorry, but I'm not going to give away something that priceless!)
As long as you meet the requirements, then yes, all you have to do is make a post and I will assign ticket numbers in order. :3