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Pokemon Gijinka high school 2

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon Gijinka high school 2
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 00:21 (9 Years ago)
''he probably doesn't want to stay behind you, you three increased your power way beyond his capacities'' replied Claire, as Marcus swam for his training... and his life.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 00:32 (9 Years ago)
"He hasn't seen anything yet though." Lucifer said eating his popcorn, "I should get him out of there." he sighed and teleported Marcus onto the riverbank "Thank me later, unless you want to die I would suggest avoiding currents like that. Try a lower tier of current." he added. Valkyries jumped down from the tree "Want to continue with the legendary hunting?" she asked her brother, "Sure. Let's find a challenge though, I want more action." Valkyries smiled "I got just the one for us. Follow me." she shape shifted into her Houndoom form and mega evolved and ran off, Lucifer did the same and followed his sister.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 02:48 (9 Years ago)
Marcus spitted a shot of water out of his mouth, as he layed on the floor, after being rescued. ''thanks i guess, though i'm a frog, I can breath underwater...'' he said, as he got up. ''You, dude, dry him up with flamethrower or something, i don't want to sit in his shoulder if he's all wet'' said Claire, flying above Lucifer
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 02:55 (9 Years ago)
Lucifer looked up at Claire "Tell me what to do again and I will eat you." he snarled and ran back to Marcus, "Sorry, I guess." he shot a blast of fire at him, Valkyries followed her brother back to the river. "Marcus, want to come with us? We're going to be beating up some more Legendaries." she asked, flicking her tail, Lucifer stopped breathing fire and looked at his sister "He can come if he likes. If he does, there is only one rule, don't die." he howled.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 03:00 (9 Years ago)
''wait really?'' asked marcus, as he removed some burned pieces of dirt he used to cover himself to avoid death by Ignition. ''why didn't you let Ryan come with you then?'' he asked. ''w-what legendary are you planning t-to hunt?'' asked Claire, from behind marcus, looking at Lucifer angrily
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 03:06 (9 Years ago)
Lucifer lashed his tail in annoyance "You're pushing it, bug." he said to Claire, Valkyries sighed "Depends on the Legendary.. and Ryan can be.. a show-off and a jerk." she said then looked at Claire "Better not make him angry, he will destroy the forest if he has too. And he might kill everyone in it."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 03:29 (9 Years ago)
Claire hissed. ''She told me she defeated a heatran with a staravia friend she found and her hands'' said Marcus. ''Also, she's only 3 years old. Why do you let her bug you?'' said Marcus, as he rubbed Claire's head. ''I guess i will go'' he finished.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 21:10 (9 Years ago)
Lucifer looked at Marcus "You make a fair point, that's why I will end her life here and now." he lapped his jowls and got ready to pounce, Valkyries snarled at her brother "Stop. Don't you lay a claw on her." Lucifer looked at his sister "What's the matter with you? I see... well if you think you are ready let's go. But remember don't die and if we manage to win you know what I mean.. let's go home." he said and opened a portal and jumped into it, Valkyries jumped into it as well and the portal closed.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 21:15 (9 Years ago)
''what's up with those two? they are always fighting'' said Claire, and she sat on Marcus' shoulder. ''dunno. Brother-Sister relationship'' replied Marcus, and sighed. ''I only increased my speed a few stats though'' he mumbled. ''you're useless aren't you?'' mumbled Claire.

Ryan swam through the sea, searching any legendary pokemon in the area.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 21:23 (9 Years ago)
Valkyries snarled "It's so dark in here." Lucifer agreed, yet he got the feeling he was being watched, the same feeling from all those years ago "Valk, we aren't alone." he said, Valkyries snapped "I know! I feel the same too, just keep going and try not to fall to you're death." Lucifer rolled his eyes and said "I think we are getting close. Just remember what I said." Valkyries gave a brief nod and snarled "Yup. We are here. I didn't think we would have to come back, again.." Lucifer agreed, "You ready?" he asked his sister, "Yeah. Let's go." she replied as they both advanced, watching their step and keeping their guard up.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 230
Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 00:33 (9 Years ago)
Moon sat down next to her dorms door, and sighed, looking at the empty halls.She got up and walked outside, climbing onto a small tree.She sat down and read a book."Im bored.."She sighed.(Moon isn't aware of whats going on XD)

Never give up.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 00:26 (9 Years ago)
''how about you use your vibrations? It's like, seismitoad's signature ability but i've never seen you use it'' suggested Claire. ''mmm... never thought of it. Alright, i'll train it, you can take a break if you like'' said Marcus, and went into the rived again. Claire flew high, looking at the prairie, trying to find a berry bush to grab some berries. She noticed a gijinka reading a book in a tree, and approached her. ''hi'' said Claire, sitting next to her. ''I'm Claire, what are you reading?'' she asked
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 00:36 (9 Years ago)
Valkyries frowned "I think were lost.. let's ask someone for directions." she said, Lucifer sighed "I wish, but there all dead. They would probably keep quiet, they don't want to get punished anyways." Valkyries nodded in agreement "Yeah, dad's punishments were always harsh." she replied then stopped in her tracks, Lucifer did as well "Well, let's go. We can't just stand here even if it kills us. Dad would find out and use this opportunity to attack us." he said, Then he heard a faint voice behind him "Welcome home, I have a surprise waiting for you." their father replied, Valkyries curled her lip and snarled "Okay let's do this." she said shape shifting back into her gijinka form and unsheathed her weapons, Lucifer did the same. "Yup." he replied.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 00:46 (9 Years ago)
marcus focused, and his big pads on his hands started moving. The vibration in the water forced the flow to slow down, affecting all the water pokemons in the river. ''oops...'' said marcus, as he saw a fainted magikarp floating away.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 01:03 (9 Years ago)
{OOC; Nuuu Magikarp-senpai~! D:}

Valkyries charged full throttle, and as she suspected her dad dodged. The battle wasn't doing to great, she and Lucifer were both injured, Valkyries had enough of this and used Fireblast, hitting her dad hard flinging him away from her and Lucifer. Lucifer looked at his sister as if to say Good job, let's get back to fighting. Valkyries nodded, and went back to being serious and charged at her dad again this time stabbing him with her dagger, he growled and removed the dagger and threw it away from her grasp and shot a dark pulse at her flinging her into a rock, she snarled I'm not going down without his body thrown into the nearest lava pit. she thought to herself, but realized her dad vanished, she stood up and looked around, she didn't smell anything nor couldn't see him, Lucifer shrieked "Look out!" she turned around and saw her dad with a sword in his hand, Lucifer gritted his teeth and shoved his sister out of the way the sword jabbing him in the chest. Valkyries' eye widened, she couldn't loose her brother, not now. She grabbed her dagger with her whip and gave her dad a murderous look, her dad sighed "It's just you and me now. Let me make things fair." he changed his appearance, looking like a normal Yveltal gijinka, his sword in his hands, Valkyries charged, so did her dad, they both struck themselves, Valkyries hit her dad in the chest, while he hit Valkyries in the stomach, her dad collapsed and Valkyries finished him off with another jab with her dagger. "It's over.. I'm sorry." she frowned and looked at Lucifer "This is all my fault." she said quietly, teleporting back to the lake.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 01:21 (9 Years ago)
(Rest In Potatoes, Magikarp-senpai v.v)

''i guess i should train out of the water'' thought marcus, and walked out. His arm once again started vibrating, and he punched a tree. The kinetic energy contained in his arm got discharged into the tree, which exploded on the impact. ''w-what in the goddamn world...'' thought marcus, as he rubbed his damaged fist.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 01:24 (9 Years ago)
Valkyries sighed and teleported a First aid kit into her hand and began patching up her wounds, she looked over at Marcus "Are you still training?" she asked, as she finished one wound and going onto the next. God.. that fight put a number on me.. at least I don't have to worry about anything for now.. she thought.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 01:28 (9 Years ago)
''yeah, i'll take a break by now though. Let me patch you two'' said marcus, as he went near them. ''wow, Lucifer has a nasty wound'' he mumbled, as he got a bandage out and started patching Valkyries' wounds.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 03:37 (9 Years ago)
"This is all my fault.." she said quietly and finished patching another wound, and went onto the next. Once she finished she stood up and sat next to a tree and started crying. I can't take this anymore.. at least if I come clean I will feel better. I guess. she thought to herself.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 03:34 (9 Years ago)
Marcus looked up to Lucifer. ''okay now it's your...'' he said, as he saw a pale white Lucifer. ''hey...what the hell happened?'' asked marcus, standing up and walking backwards, until his back crashed with a tree. ''Luficer's... He's....'' he said, and punched the ground