Forum Thread
Ponyta Fanclub!
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Ponyta Fanclub!
Is it a skater? Is it a car? No, it's Rapidash!
And who's that tumbling behind it? Ponyta!
These cute lil' horses also are also Fire types.
Fast and powerful!
But do you love them so much
that you'll join a club to show you do?
You've come to the right place!
So you wanna join, right? I heard! But before the forum, you need to read the rules!

If you dounut follow the rules,
then your name will be put up in the wall of shame. (found in Misc.)
All PH rules apply.
Use the forum.
No 'begging' for clicks or

Ponyta looks cool when it.. well, the passwords changed, just be honest that you've read the rules :P
No double posting.
Try not to go off-topic.
No swearing.
Don't say anything bad about Ponyta or Rapidash. It makes me sad. If this happens, you're banned for good. Keep it to yourself.
Don't ask to become the Moderator of this thread. That just decreases the chances of it happening.
The answer to your question is #077
tl;dr - Put this in the 'other' section of the forum.
Now you can fill out this forum. I hope you read the rules, though.

[center][color=yellow][b]I love horseys
[b]Why do you wanna join this club:[/b]
[b]What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash:[/b]
[b]Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more:[/b]
[b]Ponyta looks so cool when its:[/b]
[b]Why do you wanna join this club:[/b]
[b]What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash:[/b]
[b]Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more:[/b]
[b]Ponyta looks so cool when its:[/b]
An example of a completed forum:
Nickname: Pony
Why do you wanna join this club: Showing my love to Ponyta and Rapidash!
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash: It's cute and powerful! :3
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more: Ponyta
Other: ******
(last answer: Did you read the rules?)
..And of course, we won't forget the members that made this club!

only nicknames will be listed
Rapidash R.

Art Contest!
Draw / Sprite the best Ponyta / Rapidash you can! Remember to be creative!
PM / Post an entry so you're art and name can be added to the list! And no art theft.
You can use these IMGs for an example of what you can do. You can recolor, merge or do a gijinka of Ponyta / Rapidash. It's your art, so I won't hold you.
ENDS: 1st of May

Used this amazing site for my Poke-font.
I will choose the mods. If you interact a lot with the club, you'll become a mod. Mods can accept forms, set up prizes for contests, ban other members (which I hope will never happen) and a bit more. Oh.. if you've been warned, chances are you won't become a mod.

Wall of Shame
If someone has been banned or warned, their name gets put up here.
No one... yet. Keep it up!
Why do you wanna join this club: Because I love Ponyta (since they're cute)
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash: They're cute, and literally hot!
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more: Ponyta
Ponyta looks so cool when its: Running/runs
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Nickname: vapor, or eon, or just vaporeon c:
Why do you wanna join this club: I love, love, love both Ponyta and Rapidash! They're among my absolute favourite Fire-types. I wanted to join so that I could hopefully help to spread the love for Ponyta and Rapidash ^^
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash: Ahhh, so many things! For one, their 'realistic' structure paired with their fire. They're both so pretty, and I always loved that Kanto episode they featured largely in, with the race? (In fact, I loved the episode so much that I older brother got it on video when I was a kid, haha)
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more: I honestly don't know? Like Ponyta is so sweet and cute, but Rapidash is so graceful and majestic? When playing in-game I do evolve it though, so I guess I prefer Rapidash.
Ponyta looks so cool when its: walks c:
Hey Popcorn, you're now the only member whose name doesn't start with V.
*totally goes to make sprites for Ponyta*

They're all mine, but right now I am too tired to deal with Devinatart.
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Nickname: Mawilemaster
Why do you wanna join this club: ponyta and rapidash is awesome pokemons
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash: its fury,its style , its speed etc. :D
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more: Ponyta
Ponyta looks so cool when its:trips

Why do you wanna join this club:Yeah. Because their my favorite Fire-type Easy Rarity Poke's.
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash:His long and gracious hair.
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more:I Like Rapidash.
Ponyta looks so cool when its:Running and fell at the Bottomless Pit.
I Didn't understand it well at First. >_<
Nickname: enderknux (Knux if that's to long)
Why do you wanna join this club: it looks fun and I like ponys
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash: I like fire types, and ponyta is fun to sprite with as well as draw. I also have both shiny on here (PH)
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more: Ponyta
Ponyta looks so cool when its: trips
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Nickname:RapidashRunner (You can call me anything else though :3)
Why do you wanna join this club: Because its about ponys and ponys are awesome
What do you like about Ponyta/Rapidash: THEY ARE JUST SO EPIC
Do you like Ponyta or Rapidash more: RAPIDASH
Ponyta looks so cool when its: Fighting

My Plooshie! Pegasus, Drake, Skiddo

And I'll be not accepting members if they don't read the rules.
And I guess the contest should end on the 1st of May. Err.. that's it, I guess :P
[ PS : Too much tongues :P ]