My first PKMN game was Platinum, i had been interested in PKMN
before that as i loved to watch my older sister play when i was
young and im trying to collect the rest of the future games for a
long time to come c:
Pokemon Yellow, with a matching Yellow Gameboy. First Pokemon was
Pikachu, don't remember my first catch (it might have been Nidoran
boy, which later became Nidoking), but I remember my Elite Four
Team! Pikachu (lvl 64.) Nidoking (Lvl. 79), (Pidgeot Lvl. 88),
Primate (Lvl. 49), Parasect (Lvl. 52) and Starmie (Lvl. 46). You
can tell which Pokemon I used the most.
I dont remember if my first game was pokemon red or yellow (pikachu
edition), i just remember my father gave them both to me and my
sister at the same time when i was like 6 or something. It was
still game boy color XD And i didnt understand english, but the
game was in english because my dad bought it in USA, so i would ask
my dad to translate until i got the idea os the game hahaha
Mine was diamond or platinum I can't remember but my starter on
diamond was piplup and my starter on platinum was tour twig who
beat my cousin's infernape
I began with Pokemon Blue, but it wasn't owned by me so I never
completed it,
then my first Pokemon game I ever owned was Firered (my dad gifted
it me one christmas along with a Gameboy advance) x I'll never
forget that~