Mine Was Leafgreen. I Started With A Bulbasaur and nao has Mewtwo,
Venusaur, Zapdos, Raikou(yes its possible in Leafgreen/Firered),
Articuno, And Moltres(which i hate >:( )
Yellow version! I didn't have a gameboy when red and blue came out
so I couldn't play them. I got one when Yellow version came out.
All my friends told me to get Yellow since you could get all the
starters lol. I still have my Yellow version to this day. c:
Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First
shiny Timburr on site!
Pokemon Stadium. My dad had bought it for me with an N64 (it was a
green one, and I had it until a few years ago, we moved and it
kinda vanished :c )and we used to play it all the time.
I always used Raichu, Rapidash, and Articuno. xD
For the minigames, my favorite was the sandshrew one where you dig,
but I loved all of them.
i never played any pokemon games but when i first started watching
them on tv that's when i started buying pokemon trading cards and i
would try to draw them by hand.
Red version, but Silver is my first full play through... My
original team on red was Charizard (cleverly named Charm),
Nidoking(Cleverly named King), Dugtrio(Tri), and Jolteon(Jolt). I
was pretty young and I completely restarted over my sister's
favorite file that had her mewtwo on it ^^ She tortured me for
years because of it. I really miss that game since the internal
battery died... I can't tell you how many times I've even played
First I ever played, Was Pokemon Blue when I was in a dentists
office. I didn't what what it was or how I did anything so I got
frustrated and put it down. A few weeks later I got Pokemon Red
version and loved it lol this was...14 years ago o.O
first game I ever played was the board game, Pokemon Master Trainer
(made in 2001) The first video game I played was Yellow (wasn't
mine, played it for a few minutes before I had to give it back)
first game I ever owned was Ruby. My starter was Treeko and my
first caught was Wurmple, obvs my first legendary was Groudon :D
Hoenn will always hold a special place in my heart since it was the
first region I got to travel in depth :D
The first one that I've actually ever played and owned was Pokemon:
Special Pikachu Edition. Extremely old I know. But I love it and I
actually still have it to this day ^^
My 1st pokemon game were Pokemon Green, that I had until 3 years
I remember that my team were Blastoise, Clefable, Vileplume,
Wigglytuff, Nidoking and Mew (before capture it, I had Persian, I
still loved it although).
But Mew corrupted my game some months after capture it xD
My first Pokemon game was Crystal. Lol I didn't get the concept
that you had to train ALL of your pokemon, and the first time I
lost was at the pokemon league, against the 4th of the elite four.
I almost won when Feraligatr went down...