For me it was pokemon blue. I still remember getting it along with
my purple gameboy color. My brother got red and a yellow gameboy,
while my cousin got yellow and a pikachu gameboy!
I like ghost types.
Also, I will talk about Spyro The Dragon All day if you let me!
I'm sure I've posted here before but my first game was Pokémon
Crystal. I still remember evolving my Eevee into and Espeon and
later losing to an Umbreon in the Elite 4 and catching a Ponyta
with my Master Ball before it "appeared to be caught" or something
The first game I actually completed the main story was White.
My first one was Crystal. I found it online and I was so happy! I
wasn't very interested in Pokemon back then, but I found Crystal
and also some other games... well, Crystal push me back to a
Pokemon crush :D
I remember I named the girl in game "Chris", because I'm
Christine... long long later I found out that her name is Kris for
real :'D
Pokemon Sky my starter was turtwig and I had a corpish shinx starly
and growthlite
Let me tell you about the difference between you and me. It's like
the story of the monkey trying to capture the moon. However close
he thinks he is to the moon, it's still just the reflection of the
moon in the middle of the lake. No matter how he struggles to
capture that "moon", he inevitably sinks to the bottom of that lake
to no avail. You will never reach me.
Mine was pokemon Silver. It was also in this silver game where I
found my very first shiny being a level 10 Zubat, but at the time I
had run out of pokeballs before encountering it and could only run.