Forum Thread
[A]pokesona contest!!!!!!!!(done)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A]pokesona contest!!!!!!!!(done)prizes:
for the first winner-40k+a pokemon of their choice +a item of their choice
second-30k+a pokemon of theire choice + a item of their choice
and for the third-20k+a pokemon of their choice+a item of their choice
but first you will need a form:
about my pokesona:well i borrowed this from fahadali and its cute
and last but not the least your pokesona (you dont need to write this)

about my pokesona:well i take this from .......
and last but not the least my pokesona
just copy and paste
How it is ?
If the image was not made for your use or by you, then posting it as an entry is a form of art theft, unless you have their explicit written permission. (Taking someone else's artwork without their permission)
That aside:
Username: Navuso
About my 'Sona: *Moves to end of post*

^^^That's a link to many images of my sona^^^
Navuso is a Natu, Skitty, Vanillite fusion that I feel fits me very well. I'm playful, intelligent, and somewhat cold to others at times. I'm not exactly a social butterfly, close myself away from the world frequently, and am not doing overly well in the ways of the real world. This aside, I try to help others, I dumb down my language through years and years of practice (and now it's just habit), I try to kid around and play, but in my own way, and that sometimes leads to mis-communication.
Pretty much those three pokemon seem to fit me well. Plus, I'm not a cookie cutter person. While my sona is a male, I'm actually a female. I go by a male on the site because I don't like people referring to my sona or characters as female when they are male, lol.
about my pokesona:Just a piece of scrap work.
and last but not the least your pokesona

Ask me questions
about my pokesona: Well, I didn't know what to make as a I went with everything!
and last but not the least your pokesona-
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||